
I'm woman enough to admit I ovulated a little when I read this.

You're a bad ass and that pic of you just made my ovaries pop out eggs. Salute!

You can also be illegal, register for residency and use the number on your application to enlist with a recruiter.

Que honda! Orale!

Ok wait right here.... You do realize that these policies are voted into law by the very people that later complain about them right? If my company were to serve a buffet for lunch daily, I would stop bringing lunch from home. The immigrants are not to blame for simply taking advantage of the benefits being laid out

Read Mother Jones and the Economist. It's not his job to educate you. The information is out there.

Yes to the second paragraph. That is the problem.

So true. It's not a race issue. It's a crime issue. Both parties enjoy making it a race issue because it benefits them in different ways thus avoiding the actual problem and rendering it unsolvable. My cousin is in the FBI and is Hispanic like the rest of our family that has members in the military, law enforcement,

It's a nonsense term that's repeated by idiots in the corporate world similar to the term, "The real America" that political idiots like to use on their tours. Obviously all of America is the "real" America. No need to understand cause it pure, unadulterated, fucking nonsense.




The people from Seam are described as olive skinned with black straight hair. Still waiting for a Mexican or any other type of Hispanic to be cast in the movie. Avatar 2.0?

Thanks for the scoop, two scoops. I'm Dominican and Colombian and I have my daddys nappy hair, but at least I can iron it. My cousin of the same mix has to get it relaxed or she can't run her fingers through it. I personally love her hair like that and thats why I use the line MC because it makes my hair curls tighter

Wow mind blown.

The pantene relaxed and natural line was the business. But I don't see it around anymore and the animal testing thing...whomp whomp... You'd think dove or other major companies would get on the making a line for black women thing since it's such a ripe market. What the eff?

I and some of my black friends swear by this: [www.mixedchicks.net] It's hit or miss. Some of my girls say it doesn't bind to their hair. I love it though! It's worth a try ;)

Right on. I was actually hooked on a line for women of color that Pantene had around 2005 that worked amazingly. [media.photobucket.com]

My bad gurl my bad..