
I have to say that my darker skin black girlfriends are the most beautiful of my friends. They look so exotic and their skin is so smooth and always glowy. It's sad to see that they have such a hard time with societies perception of them but I'll be the first to admit that I have felt the pangs of jealousy in their

Gorgeous hair!

I went skinny dipping in Hawaii. Fuck the bikini.

Colbert called out the Huffington Post on this when Ariana sold to AOL.

Fail on G2x un rooted. It wont open just flashes. advice?

Just bought the book on my Nook Color. Hilarity.

Ahhh sank ju!

Ah the voice of reason, welcome.


So true. Traffic Light was great. They should start hiring a more diverse cast considering the blatant racists jokes on the networks Sunday night animation line up. I still don't know how Raising hope made the cut.

What does "riotgrrl"? Even mean?

My number is 310-665-9989. Call me!

I concur!

Classism? Did you miss the part where I said I'm poor and work two jobs? One at a desk for 8 hours and one at a restaurant as a waitress after work until 12 or so? Only to be stiffed by idiots that are going out to eat but are not tipping because they "can't afford it"? Then to come on the site and see that people on

That is also the impression I got from the statement. If I was incorrect then I apologize. But the opener was " have to admit that I often don't tip delivery people very well".

Poor people need to save so they can rise out of poverty. I don't go out to eat and waste my money because I work two jobs and I consider myself to be too poor to enjoy those luxuries. I would never put my poverty up on a pedestal as an excuse not to compensate another person servicing me. This is called PERSONAL

Here is what people don't understand: The very second you sit down the person waiting on you is being charged 2% for everything you order. There is an actual "trickle down effect" in the restaurant business and money is not made simply based on hierarchy. By the time you do your cash out an management tallies the

Yeah well, if you're eating out and stiffing the people that wait on you, you shouldn't be on "welfare". Happy now?

Happens to me all the time at the restaurant I serve at. Then I have to tip out 2% to the rest of the staff regardless of the fact that I've been getting an average of 7% on tips.

If you're on food stamps you need to be eating at home and saving your money as others are paying for you sustenance and you are stiffing those who serve your meals that you have "saved up" to purchase or have delivered to your home. This is my problem with well fare. How unregulated it's use is and the subjective