Yeah, the game is definitely aimed at pretty casual car people and reflects their fantasies more than it does the fantasies of super hard core car guys.
Yeah, the game is definitely aimed at pretty casual car people and reflects their fantasies more than it does the fantasies of super hard core car guys.
There’s a claws in Hamilton’s contract that allows this.
If he hollers, let him go, Lewis.
Criminal attorney here.
Looks like she has been doing Tesla.
$40K.....CRACK PIPE.
My country late president once say something along the line of
I side with the biker. I see too many people texting while driving and it doesn’t seem that the police are doing much about it . I feel the the penalty should be on par with a DUI.
Solution: Keep your slow-ass truck in the right lane.
That’s sexist, and you know how broads hate that.
Fun update: U of Dayton says he’s no longer welcome.
Ah, so you didn’t see the 3:07 mark where he GOT OUT OF THE VEHICLE AND CLUBBED A ROOKERY OF SEAL PUPS!!!??!
If I win the lottery, I will shove 700Hp worth of Tesla drivetrain in that car. And speakers to make it sound like in the movies.
The DMC-12 desperately NEEDS a proper successor. It’s just too cool a car to languish with the deficient, however much beloved, progenitor.
I remember back in the early 80s, when my family didn’t make enough money to be dirt poor, my parents being without a car. My dad was a Plumbers Helper (the base level plumber that’s basically a gopher) and my mother was a stay-at-home mom (because there was no work for her). Anywhere they went, they either had to…
This little girl’s parents didn’t tell their daughter they’d bought a DeLorean, or maybe even what a DeLorean was,…