
Yeah, the game is definitely aimed at pretty casual car people and reflects their fantasies more than it does the fantasies of super hard core car guys.

There’s a claws in Hamilton’s contract that allows this.

If he hollers, let him go, Lewis.

You’ve come a long way, baby

Criminal attorney here.


Looks like she has been doing Tesla.

$40K.....CRACK PIPE.

My country late president once say something along the line of

I side with the biker. I see too many people texting while driving and it doesn’t seem that the police are doing much about it . I feel the the penalty should be on par with a DUI.

Solution: Keep your slow-ass truck in the right lane.

That’s sexist, and you know how broads hate that.

Need a guy in a bicycle helmet called “The Stag”. It’s kinda like this:

I’ve got just the thing for you

Fun update: U of Dayton says he’s no longer welcome.

Ah, so you didn’t see the 3:07 mark where he GOT OUT OF THE VEHICLE AND CLUBBED A ROOKERY OF SEAL PUPS!!!??!

If I win the lottery, I will shove 700Hp worth of Tesla drivetrain in that car. And speakers to make it sound like in the movies.

The DMC-12 desperately NEEDS a proper successor. It’s just too cool a car to languish with the deficient, however much beloved, progenitor.

I remember back in the early 80s, when my family didn’t make enough money to be dirt poor, my parents being without a car. My dad was a Plumbers Helper (the base level plumber that’s basically a gopher) and my mother was a stay-at-home mom (because there was no work for her). Anywhere they went, they either had to