is it really 'shitting' all over my childhood? or is it more like getting some of it back for just a short time.
is it really 'shitting' all over my childhood? or is it more like getting some of it back for just a short time.
Erected is the perfect word to use when discussing Monroe
I want to clap, skip, Jump & scream! As a WebOS fan - this man has made me sick to my stomach & he deserves the boot!
well HTC is supposedly in the market for an OS - let's hope they buy WebOS and come out with a relatively cheap device. The amount of money that can be made off of (Apps & accessories) can really make up the difference in a loss in my opinion anyways.
I haven't tried, but something tells me my touchpad doesn't need an app to watch tv on those channels. - & ofcourse, 99 cents later, watching hulu again as well.
Bought 2 of them. If i get a chance to buy another I would in a heartbeat! by far one of the greatest devices I have ever put my hands on.
There are a lot of Web OS fans out there that didn't get a touchpad on the 100 dollar sale and are now scared they might never get their hands on one. That is why the Touchpad is selling for more then it is.
about F'ng time!!! I would much rather have a pre3 but I've been waitin for apple to join sprint forever.. Looks like i'll be gettin a new iphone for the first time
that's why it's so weird the huge discount has come in. You never see a company sell things off this cheap - EVER - Even when circuit city went out of business you couldn't find anything there less then 200 bucks for a outdated laptop...
Thought about that as well, but if you get the product into a lot of peoples hands, get them to love the OS - then does it really matter what the price is down the road? Now that I have my touchpad coming in the mail, I REALLY want a pre3 or Veer - Just because I know how great they would be together.. That and when…
Android sucks though! It's like putting windows on a mac... whyyy? The only reason - that 1 freaking app you need isn't on it.
How to buy one: Ok HP says they will 'NOTIFY' You when they become available. Maybe they will, but that seemed to be a crock last night.
those @ precentral are calling that bullcrap due to the fact the specs in the touchpad are better then those in the ipad... Which makes sense to me.
I honestly thought WebOS would sell slowly out of the gate & that it was more or less something that would become popular over time - with proper advertising & with the many new products that seemed to be on the way...
what type of structure is it? I can't imagine them to have gone 'cheap' on the structure.. I guess all these space movies get into my head where they are flying some space ship for over 100 years up there.. and it has some nicks n bruises from landing & fihting w/ other aliens! lol
that is absurd news it really is. Even if it is commissioned to be up until 2020's it shouldn't come down for 50 years! It would be considered FAILURE if we abandon this
drinkin the Apple Koolaid are we? I wonder if you had this same resentment for the adobe flash before apple came out and said they don't like it.
So this would be just another way Apple would want us to continue paying for tv shows per every episode? Then what will apple do, make it hard for Android, Windows & WebOS users to watch Hulu..
I actually no longer use safari because it seems to do much worse w/ flash then Chrome or Firefox. I don't get it, but i rarely ever have issues now.
agh, you know I can't find my original point to this post. I believe I was arguing that I find it hard to believe her daughter couldn't find a way to visit her mother. Which someone later pointed out: "A lack of internet, cell phones, and several address changes resulted in the separation." Found from an article…