
This is a crap article. You dismiss WebOS because Rubinstein is getting a raise; which btw is VERy old news!

facebook was great when it was only 2 million users. Now I can't say anything w/ out a family member telling me what NOT to say. I signed up on twitter late, but in my experience it has always sucked! Myspace was probably good the longest in retrospect. It began asa dating service for many people and then turned

over 17 million cars a year are currently being sold in China, while 11 million a year are being sold in America. Yes, The Chinese govt has plenty of money where it is taking rural areas all over the country and putting in infrastructure.

I've actually gotten so used to running 3 browsers because of my Gmail accounts. 1 for personal, 1 for business, 1 for website.. I typically use the website w/ Safari, because wordpress seems to work better w/ safari, Then personal (chrome) the best browser & Business FireFox because all websites must be fully

But I'm never wrong!

wage doesn't represent how well someone lives in any country or even city. The wage in NYC is much higher then it is in Georgia, but yet you still find people in NYC that are extremely poor. The Chinese have: Shopping Malls, Brand name stores, Fast Food, etc.. Companies all over the world are seeing HUGE success in

you can't base a class of people on a GDP and I never said China is an Economic Power. Just doesn't work that way.

Then tell me how GM sells more cars a year in China then in the US? or the fact that their middle class is practically booming right now. ( I don't even know if she has a car ) but the fact is, most Chinese goto college & are becoming a striving middle class for their country.

@ddyboy- 6 months ago I would have agreed w/ you but since then I became 'internet buds' w/ this chick in China I have come to realize that she travels way more then most americans do. Probably similar to Europeans. Now I realize some people in China don't make any money at all, but a lot of them are what we would

One thing that people are talking a lot about is that The Shuttle is closing down.. but after reading the USA Today I finally found out the reason why! The space Station is COMPLETE! How freaking cool is that, on top of that news- the idea of building different types of shuttles to get from space station to earth are

WTF. Way to make something really hard. I would say the Real answer should be 1 bag of Ice and plenty of Water straight from the hose! The fact is people put a bunch of ice in their coolers and the damn drinks never get cold.. If you add 50 percent water those drinks will be very Chilled!

well, I agree & disagree. Your right about mac having a very nice design typically on the inside especially w/ their new line of products: macbook air, ipad & iphone etc.. But their mac books and macbook pros r just as nice inside as the other guys.

how do weee know Noah didn't have Steel? lol The Lost City of Atlantis was extremely ahead of it's time and it's people created many Arks when the End of the world came for them.

I actually thought the engadget review was quite the opposite of this review. He person that wrote this article acts like this product is a 1 out of 10 while Engadget gave it a 7

In all honesty it sounds like you got a broken one. I haven't played w/ the touchpad yet but my 2 year old PRE doesn't even take 10 seconds to launch 'heavy' applications.

this is my first online handle. Had it for 12 years now I guess. It's fantastic

i see no engine

the article says "YOU CAN GET" I surely did not qualify for ANY of those job listings! Where are the jobs being offered to the guys w/ out any degrees and just have motivation behind them?

forgive me as a man I am to lazy to read @ 2am in the morning - and forgive me for I don't remember the article speficing younger generation, so I never found the correct article.. But there seems to be thousands .. go ahead w/ a google search if you aren't pleased w/ this.