
USA Today - I didn't read it on the internet, goold ol' fashioned newspaper about 3 months ago.

women make more money then men in most major cities across america! So maybe the woman might not marry a guy because he has no job, but theres a good chance in their future that she will be makin more money then him anwyays.

yeah because i can't play angry birds on my pre. What apps do people really use anyway? i'm 100 percent positive that within six months of the release of the touchpad it will have netflix & hulu. It already has the amazon app too.

i find it attractive, i'm going to buy it.

Although I completely agree, sometimes at huge events there are mandatory requirements as to what needs to go on the poster. I was just involved in an EPA event in D.C. about 1 month ago where we had to have a 3'wide by 12' poster - The poster had to explain certain things and the only way to do that was by adding


how to science? what the heck is that supposed to mean?

sounds like your saying to vote for the (non party party) which no one ever does!

That's pretty interesting to me! As someone that has never worked for the govt, is it laws? regulations that keeps NASA behind you think rather then actually getting stuff done?

what good is shooting a nuke down going to do? it's still a nuke.

I guess communication majors don't have to write papers? How many majors in the world do you not have to write papers in? Like what communications, and sport management? What are they the easiest majors in the world?

i'm not sure if your a student but I completely disagree! Ipads are getting more involved in adding text-books to their library which could be huge for students - but - the ipad doesn't come w/ a stylus and if you add one to it - the quality isn't great. So you can't write on it efficiently.. and we all do respect -

@maythetechbewithyou: what do you mean 'as much on a laptop' If you still need a laptop after u buy an ipad the laptop isn't goin to be any cheaper. and even the cheapest laptops in the world have the internet & wireless to watch movies & play games..

There have been a few articles about this woman on the internet in the past month. Personally - I think it's fair what she is doing. If someone wants to kill themself - they have to go buy Helium & this bag.. So it's not an easy task.

yeah, if it was a blogspot.com where the person gets a free website, but if someone is trying to run their own blog, they should also be entitled to earn enough money to pay off the bills.

I don't know much about funnyjunk, but I will add this: Finding images for a blog is ESSENTIAL - and is probably one of the hardest things to do. 1. if you steal it - then it's just rude. 2. If you ask for it - then you might be waiting weeks for a response. 3. If you make it yourself you have to find a dang good

HP = BA .. Bad A$$! lol I'm a huge Palm fan so i'm all for it. I'm ready to throw my apple computer away and buy the next palm laptop!!! "CAN'T WAIT, CAN'T WAIT" <- football quote

The only reason why I stopped wrting when I was in the crapper on facebook is for the fact that i'm looking for jobs right now and I don't want a prospective employer reading my crap stories.

umm, I think your talking about the movie ' The Program ' A football movie. I saw it in the theaters first day it came out when I was like 12.. Less then a week later the scene was removed from the movie because to many people were copying the stunt.

Soon google will own the police! and even further down the road the white house