
architects have a love hate relationship w/ buildings like these. I recently made my thesis using a system somewhat similar to this but accounted for specific areas needing to be Flat. Mine was also a vertical farm where it is much more practical.

well, I think it's a half inch smaller then the Palm Pre 2. The idea of this phone is for people that still like small phones. I expect it to do well in the 12 year old market.

It's decided, When I am ready to have my lady friend 'bare children' we will move to Houston! W/ that kind of obsession for Nasa, They will grow up smart and fly to space! Then I will make them video tape it so my ol' axx can see it from home.

Well back when they designed the 'Challenger' U kno the Nasa Shuttle. It was at one point designed to be twice the size so we could begin 'moon excavation' and start working on a space station in the L3 of our Atmosphere.

I would rather buy a person to give me an old style shave every day

See, people ask me if I believe in 'execution' and these are specifically the reasons I do.

When the time comes all of you must type in 'My Morning Story' and then Plus one my website baby ;) Do it for me, cause you love me.

Top Gear Needs to Go DOWN! No one messes w/ Tesla! I'm hoping that Tesla becomes a major player in the Car race in the next 10 years..

Can't wait to throw this in my friends face lol :) then again, they don't seem to care much about worthless sex as we do.

wait, what computer has a screen that size? It is 2 screens no..

REALLY?? There wasn't an upgrade to the freaking thing for YEARS. I grew up in a pretty big 'kid' area and everyone had it except me and the neighborhood wasn't exactly the richest neighborhood either.

Sadly I'm old enough to remember this and most gameboy users had it.. It wasn't that bad as it looks though and acted much more like a 'kids gaming purse' I will also say, back then gameboys were still expensive and kids 'my age at the time' weren't usually aloud to go places w/ the gameboy. Meaning I had to goto

Come on, In major cities they just throw a piece of steel over top of a pot hole for a good year before even touching the thing.

The only thing that looks semi hard to believe is flattening out the land and finding the dirt to fill it all back up again. When the Quake happened to San Fran back in the day, roads like this were just built around these locations.. I never been there, but I think these broken road areas are still there.

They did that in Philly last year actually. The first time, they replaced all the piping under the road and basically fixed all the infrastructure.. The next year they came back and resurfaced it.

I personally fell in love w/ the kindle when I picked one up and was like... "Man, I hate how stores always put out a fake device." clearly thinking the screen was a piece of paper taped on or something.. After I pressed a few buttons I noticed it flipping pages.

The desktop will always be important but will probably change dramatically in the future. Curently mine is set up as a dual screen to my (regular 19" lcd) and nice big flat screen.. This way, I can watch Tv/Movies straight from streaming w/ guests over.

aghh this is a sweet deal! I want to say a lot of people tend to 'not' mail in their rebates on time usually out of laziness... However, it looks like Sprint staying a somewhat 'smaller' company they are able to really push pricing down a bit more! Once Sprint is gone we will all have high rates, crappy service, 2

I'll look into this as I use wordpress for a multi user *fiction blog* many of the users want their stories to flip like books! :) glad to read about this! as it can be hard to keep up w/ all the new plugins/features for wordpress at times.