
I feel Netflix shouldn't be allowed to expand into the TV makign market. I also feel Comcast shouldn't have been allowed to acquire nbc.

Tv technology moves soo incredibly fast! CRT > Plasma > LCD > LED > Oled > or crappy resolution to 720 > 1080p > Retina displays > 3d w/ glasses > 3d w/out glasses...

Yeah, this makes sense. it's clealry an amazing app, but if you aren't paying for the tv through cable .. then someone is being ripped off!

Thats awesome

I have a website mymorningstory.com where this woman from China has been writing her sorta life story. "lost in my own country" or something. Anyways, She was first submitting the story on the site, then China blocked the site. Then we communicated through facebook, then China blocked facebook. She has also had

The first Great alternative to the IPAD will be the Touchpad by HP. I can't wait to buy it, as it clearly runs the Best OS and has the specs to do great things.

Wasn't Microsoft already trying to get rid of Apple from being able trademark "App Store" and were only calling it a marketplace or watever it is until they could get this crap stopped.

3 giants is better then 2 though. I don't think the uproar would nearly be as big if Sprint bought T-Mobile.

So the phone market is starting to become like the TV market? Comcast vs Verizon. ATT Vs Verizon. When willl Comcast buy ATT? ... Someday i'll be an oddball w/ my sprint and digital tv. (if I actually ever get digital tv)

Thats how the internet was intended to be. Listen to music while chattin online n looking at hot pics of chicks.

just 1 more reason why I love Sprint and small companies. Small companies always have to stay 2 steps ahead thinking of new ideas in order to keep their business growing.

ATT was broken up before because of a monopoly opening the doors for sprint. Not that any of this means anything, but it's very possible Sprint gets bought by Verizon at this point. So when does it end? When 2 or 3 companies can control the entire market, it is hard to warrant them not a monopoly right?

you used to be able to say the same thing for Windows apps. There used to be a time where I was probably the only Apple fanboy in all of Delaware and people were telling me Apple = Beta blah blah blah. Pointed out how little applications were even made for the mac etc...

Can someone explain to me why everyone is still making ugly computers? Why has it taken so long for this beautiful machine to come out? I would give thought into buying a laptop not made by apple if the competitors put some effort into their lappys.

AD is a great show and I am watching the entire backlog of X-files right now on hulu plus, but If it weren't for my bro buying it, then I wouldn't be lol. Instead I would be stuck using sidereel and watching crappy streaming videos through megadownload or something.

I'm sure when the new Palm phones & touchpad come out they will make apps that fit. For instance the palm pre hasn't had the front facing camera yet and at the 'event' they were already discussing on how to use skype w/ the touchpad. I guess what i'm saying is. i'm sure Palm, Rimm, android, and Apple are all

It made the video!

What an awesome song. If I had a great voice, I would totally would have tried something like that back inthe day.

I didn't realize in the beginning Hulu made an app for the Iphone. Sucks that it costs money, but at least u get ur video. I was more or less making this comment referring to how Mac is refusing to let users use Flash... Cause Hulu can't be HTML5 because of security reasons. (well, last time I checked that was the

I never said their app selection was great. I said their top apps are basically Identical to the Apple Apps! How do I know this? well, I do have a Macbook pro and I do have a palm pre. Just goto the app stores and what do I see? The same crap. So I can't turn my phone into a whoopie cushion.. wow