
All the top apps on the Iphone are already made for web OS. The only thing that intrigues me more on the IPAD right now then anything else is Garage Band. It honestly looks like it is one awesomely made program for the ipad.

So like.. I really freaking want the touchpad now. I will hold it up next to an Ipad fan and play hulu tv on it.

and it's the sole reason I wanna go to Pyongyang now! lol. I love escalators! How cool would it be to run up it the wrong way??? Damn thing looked like the stairway to hell! or heaven if your comin from the bottom lol.

yep, I have found that sometimes although I don't care for any of the songs on the cd

Did you know that Paranoid by Black Sabbath was supposed to be a *filler* song? and that 'Come as you are' was supposed to be the big hit by Nirvana, and not 'Teen Spirit'? Or Blue Octobers 'into the ocean' when their lead song was SUPPOSED to be 'Hate Me Today'

I don't think he was talkin about *Sales.* he was talking about the Experience. People download 1 or 2 of the 'hit' songs that were on the radio and not the album. The album has a flow, it's an art form in itself if done by a great artist. Go listen to Nevermind by Nirvana and you will see how the song order is

I think I will put off buyin a tv until this comes out for less than 2k ;)

I also miss the infamous AOL Chat rooms. If my dork friends got real bored we would just go there and hit on all the women. Now I think the only chat rooms left are like: Yahoo and TalkCity. Junk if you ask me, a bunch of fatties.

Its true. Now I am seen as a 29 year old engaged guy who has a house and a dog and well a life. But on AIM, i can be ANYONE i want to be!

it kills me, cause there really wasn't good reason for the switch over. I don't really know a lot of people in love with the glossy screen anyways. It basically stops you from using your comp outside and its bad in certain lighting situations.

But I have a Yahoo account, Hotmail Account, 4 Gmail accounts, and an AIM email. I somehow find a way to use all of them. 1 gmail - for website, 1 gmail for business use, 1 gmail for personal use and 1gmail for podcast. 1 hotmail for spam, 1 yahoo for god knows i signed up to yahoo messanger just like i did aim and

agh. I still love the ol' AIM messenger. I use it almost every day and i really miss how all my friends used to sign on to it. I think there is only 1 person I still talk to on the service and I find it quite sad that it has gone out of popularity. Especially since the FB chat service is sooo hot right now and it

So my Macbook pro died like Logic board died yesterday and now i'm stuck! I want a 15" Anti Glare Screen computer, but I really don't want to spend 2000 again on a computer. I no longer need my laptop to be super fast since i'm finishing college.. What do I dooo??? Why doesn't apple have a 15 inch MacBook? or just a

I actually liked facebook much more when it was smaller and more personable. Now I have to be careful what I say, and so much more.

But is sprint going to carry the TouchPad by HP? palm, watever? Thats wat I want

aghh sweet deal Grapeon :) i will keep this in mind :)

Deco is right. They didn't do anything revolutionary when it first came out. Palm even had an APP store from the very beginning, the only thing Apple did was make it more open and that was brought on by the public and not exactly in Apples initial plans. IF Palm had the type of money & power that apple had one would

See now that the IPAD 2 is coming out, I wouldn't be against buying an IPAD if I can find it for like 250 bucks. But, apple is too smart taking all their *old* products off the shelf before bringing their pricing down. Even Best Buy today is still trying to sell regular IPADs for the regular price. NOT ANY

lets get this straight. Apple didn't re-define smart phones it was PALM. No one gives them the credit but I was one of few surfing the internet, playing music, and downloading video games all on my Treo 600. Must have been like 2002. Even apples OS for their iphone bit off Blackberry and Palm.

I wish specs still didn't matter for me. I hate spending a ton on a computer just so it can render something. People in graphic design/animation/etc... are still a long way from disregarding specs.