
And yeah, I haven’t been commenting nearly as much lately! Not really sure why, just haven’t had as much free time I guess.

Awwwwww, thanks! :D :D :D You have inspired me, perhaps I will!

LOL her twitter gets a million comments a second, my tweet would get lost in the crowd! 

Awww, that would’ve been a great meet-cute! Except she’s a Pats fan, so she probably is awful.

God damnit. They. Are. INEVITABLE.

Oooof. You got me there <3

I did like that, I cannot lie! But nah Brady is their savior. UGH

NO! Fuck them! They are piece of shit frauds. They should’ve just bowed out before the Super Bowl, instead of putting us through THAT.

Right??? What trash. FUCK THE PATRIOTS. They just...

Thats true. The JD Durkin thing is pretty objectively horrifying. But just... that really was a once-in-a-generation collapse. It still pisses me off, as someone who viscerally despises the Patriots! More so than the Seahawks game, even!

Oh yeah, the defense did it’s part for MOST of the game. And also- were talking about Brady Belichick and fucking GRONK here. They were bound to score some points eventually. 

With the o-line they had, and with the year devonta freeman was having, it is UNCONSCIONABLE for them not to have run the ball. They committed literal war crimes. Fucking execute Shanahan, the piece of shit.

What KILLS me is, last season may have been the greatest regular season of any sport I have ever witnessed. EVERY game was amazing (week 1 alone had about 4 alltimer games, and they were all on different time slots!), there were upsets galore, fascinating plotlines, the Rams/Chiefs redefined offense in a single

I cannot fathom a worse way for a game to end! Even this year's snoozefest was way better (even though that was excruciating for its own reasons)

Im not even a Falcons fan! But as a good decent ethical human being, i despise the Patriots much like the Avengers despise Thanos. And seeing them get curbstomped like that was pure literal ecstasy.

I will never forgive these chucklefucks for 28-3. Jesus Christ

The Usual Suspects, man!

I like The Good Place cursing- “what the fork!” “God hes such an ash-hole.“She’s a real bench.”

Because of Kill Bill and Four Rooms. So yeah, 9ish sounds about right.

3 and 4 are the best, but 5 and 6 have the 2 or 3 best individual episodes. Just watch until the season 6 finale and assume it’s a cliffhanger. That’s what the book readers have been doing all this time!