
What KILLS me is, last season may have been the greatest regular season of any sport I have ever witnessed. EVERY game was amazing (week 1 alone had about 4 alltimer games, and they were all on different time slots!), there were upsets galore, fascinating plotlines, the Rams/Chiefs redefined offense in a single

I cannot fathom a worse way for a game to end! Even this year's snoozefest was way better (even though that was excruciating for its own reasons)

Im not even a Falcons fan! But as a good decent ethical human being, i despise the Patriots much like the Avengers despise Thanos. And seeing them get curbstomped like that was pure literal ecstasy.

I will never forgive these chucklefucks for 28-3. Jesus Christ

The Usual Suspects, man!

I like The Good Place cursing- “what the fork!” “God hes such an ash-hole.“She’s a real bench.”

Because of Kill Bill and Four Rooms. So yeah, 9ish sounds about right.

3 and 4 are the best, but 5 and 6 have the 2 or 3 best individual episodes. Just watch until the season 6 finale and assume it’s a cliffhanger. That’s what the book readers have been doing all this time!


I don’t know if I should be angrier at the Bills or the Vikings for this, but I lost $1000 on that Bills Vikings game in week 2 because I took the Vikings money-line since the Bills had been, not just bad, but COMICALLY, HISTORICALLY bad through the first 2 weeks of the season. FUCK!

You’re so right! Snowpiercer is DOOOOPE

Great movie, but best of the decade? Mad Max: Fury Road is RIGHT THERE

Oh that’s a shame!!! It’s really really good.

Honestly, this just isn’t their year. Too many injuries. It’s not worth it to give up prospects, I actually LIKE Cashman being frugal here, because next yer we’ll have Severino back. And a full year of Stanton. This Yankees team is young and deep and extremely talented, and can be a consistent playoff contender for

-Parks and Rec
-BREAKING FUCKING BAD. One of the greatest hours of television is in that final season
-Six Feet Under, ANOTHER one of the greatest hours of television is that series finale

Poussey Washington is a phenomenal character, and I have loved all 7 seasons of Orange Is The New Black- I’m about halfway through the final season already!

Holy shit i legit forgot that Big Papi was on Minnesota!


Most of his movies aren’t action movies at all.