That’s true. But they didnt! Wahhhhhhhh gambling! (I don’t gamble on college games I think college sports are stupid)
That’s true. But they didnt! Wahhhhhhhh gambling! (I don’t gamble on college games I think college sports are stupid)
When ‘Bama’s first play of the game was a 50 yard completion, that pretty much set the pace for the whole game.
Yeah, it’s pretty bad. I do NOT know what precipitated that decision. A few of my friends and I had driven up to Cornell, where our buddy was president of a frat at the time and we were partying there. The thing of it is, I don’t think we ran out of beer or anything, we just.... decided to play captain jack pong!
This is amazing and hilarious
Whatever happened with Brad’s friend’s younger brother! Also is his name actually Brad? That is such a preppy rich white boy name :D
E=MC Hammered indeed.
LOL precisely. Somehow!
Yeah thats really terrifying haha.
The responses to this post are very interesting: all the guys are saying “yeah I agree” but look at what EVERY WOMAN is saying: “uhhh that’s easy for you to say, but you’re not afraid of the threat of violence like I am.”
Awwww *blush* thank you! I love me too :-D
WHAT. How does that even happen?!?!??!? Jesus
Oh yeah, no, that was TOTALLY a flippant and nonserious aside there. Maybe theyll never get married. Who cares! They're both awesome haha
Let’s see.... Since then, I have played Irish Car Pong (beer pong, but every time a cup is made, you have to do a full Irish Car Bomb)..... which, that’s pretty bad too. I’ve also played Captain Jack Pong! (Captain Morgan and Jack Daniels). Also during the Super Bowl I regularly do shots of Rumpelminze, which is 100…
Holy shit <3 <3 <3 you are amazingly strong for being able to carry that. I would’ve just gone home and never left my room again ever in my life and I would still be in my room right at this very fucking moment if that had been me.
When I was in college, my 2 very good friends who were dating at the time (actually, they still are dating 11 years later! Good for them! Why aren’t they engaged yet? Hmmmmm) and I were partying at my friend’s dorm, drinking lots of champagne and wine with our friends. One of my friends dares me to chug a bottle of…
Because he is big and incredibly fast and incredibly strong and has incredible amounts of hand-eye coordination and endurance and he has to deal with more physical pain on a weekly basis than most people ever have to deal with in their lives?