But German food and Oktoberfest are so so good! Healthy diets? Bah! Who needs that!
But German food and Oktoberfest are so so good! Healthy diets? Bah! Who needs that!
Whatever happened to him?
Dude, two top 5 players AND a third to 10 player. Don’t forget James goddamn Harden was on that team!
There’s a lot of funny stuff in Thor- when he gets to the petstore and is all “I NEED A HORSE!” “uhh, we have dogs.” “THEN BRING ME ONE LARGE ENOUGH TO RIDE!”
He’s LITERALLY Captain America saying “Language!” in Age of Ultron haha
Ehhh, never got past the first one. Not enough superheroes for me :D
Oh dip! That was her!
Wasnt she Petra in Ender’s Game? I know Orson Scott Card is a literal frothing at the mouth homophobe, but damn if that wasn't one of my favorite books growing up :-/
not red enough
This is a very weird comment.
Right, but it can also come off as very disingenuous.
Wait.... WHAT?!?!
Ehh the catch a ball thing is more economics than culture... There’s always been a premium for people who entertain the masses, all throughout history.
:( :( :( :(
Uggggggh no, it’s much simpler than that- I am a huge dolt. I love Wedding Crashers haha
Jesus that is depressing. Teachers get all the attention for how underpaid they are (as they should! Teachers ARE underpaid), but you are so right there are a great many people doing important, wonderful work on behalf of those who cannot do so themselves who are also not recognized.
HAHAHAHA maybe my favorite Simpsons episode (certainly top 3, along with Deep Space Homer and New Kids on the Blecch)
Yeah. Like I said elsewhere, the original pitch of the show was, “this is how a standup comedian gets his material, just by observing all the crazy hijinks that his weirdass friends get into”, hence the name ‘observational comedy’. So it definitely makes sense from a story telling perspective.