
Oh, well good for you? I thought you said you only date dullards. By the way, i am positive that women a woman says, “he couldn’t keep up with me” that, most of the time she does NOT mean “I need a superior man”. Frankly, it is very telling that you assume this is what women mean.

You are wrong- most men are not handsome or charming enough to hook up with THE WOMEN THEY DESIRE THE MOST. That is an important distinction. I am sure there are plenty of women out there who would hook up with you, but you probably aren’t even thinking about those women at all. So you’ve discounted them the same way

You are entirely missing the point. Breaking up is the ultimate feminist act because it give the woman the POWER and the CHOICE to make her own life decisions. You are wrong about women being able to choose among gentlemen callers. Generally, it was the woman’s FATHER who chose from those gentlemen callers, not the

So you’ve never had a relationship that just didnt work out? Not once in your life?

I dont know what any of that would have to do with potentially ignoring or not seeing a comment, but she thinks her original comment was dismissed. FWIW her advice is definitely sound https://jezebel.com/1827781761

I am very curious as to why you never respond to the commenter Kate.

Well I meant over the course of the next 100million years or so, by the time the sun does expand to a Red Hypergiant, and we’ve expanded throughout the solar system.


Didn’t need that mental image...

Yeah, sorry about that haha. It’s time other people share my fear of GRBs! They’re insane! And yeah there are tons of other things I could’ve mentioned, but for me personally, gamma ray bursts are just the perfect example of why space is terrifying. It’s so simple to understand, and to comprehend how exactly they

Redford’s wrong though, long term. You can avoid riptides by not going to the beach. But a GRB pointed right at Earth is completely unavoidable. 

There are much scarier things that lack consciousness- black holes, giant asteroids, gamma ray bursts.

Nemo his dad are the opposite of scary.

A total of several billion (possibly even trillion) people will end up dead because the sun eventually expands to a red hypergiant and Earth becomes as barren as Mars. Long term, the contents of space are far worse.

a) It’s Dory

When you say “NY pizza” what exactly do you mean? Do you live in NYC? Have you had pizza here? Or, if the answer to those is “no”, then just your local pizza place and you assume that quality of pizza is the same quality as NYC pziza?

Not at all. As a group, we’re like that with literally anything that we’re told not to do. 

What are everyone’s favorite cereals?

Like I said, I love the books and I love his prose- but it’s definitely not for everyone :-D

The books are incredible, BUT Tolkien’s writing style is not for everyone. People complain about George RR Martin going on and on and on and on AND ON AND ON AND ON about food and meals and stuff..... But he’s got nothing on Tolkien describing LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING TREE THAT THE HOBBITS PASS BY AS THEY MEET WITH TOM