Zukey Badtouch

Nope, it's still jarring. They did nothing to preserve the flow of the lyrics, that's just the background music. There are several clips with other noises and with differing sound quality and they completely make this jarring.

Depends on how you kill it.

You should never let your dolls do Krokodile.

Oh god. This is like something out of an '80s health textbook.

Look this car could only come as an "Ed Hardy" edition in pussy magnet yellow with a "Love Kills Slowly" hood decal, tribal art pinstripes, the "paint shearing off the car revealing chrome" on the front end clip, and airbrushed wizards on the rear quarter panels shooting lightning bolts from their wands spelling

So who's gonna be the first to buy one of these and chop the fenders off

Fuck. Me. :O

So you're missing out on 6k a month because your almost-racing car is in the shop? unless your job is something that requires a new GT3 i don't feel sorry for you. use one of your 10 other cars, or walk. Not being able to use your track car is not a financial strain. What's next, going to demand payment from the gods

This is proof that top speed (in reference to a cars performance) is an asinine measuring tool. If there is no place ON EARTH that a car can reach its top speed safely, than whats the point of having such a car?

See? You just proved my point!

The National Italian American Foundation even called GM to ask if Barra has any Italian ancestry. They were disappointed to hear she does not.

I built this truck originally. I traded it to a friend about a year ago for a street legal dirtbike, and he traded it off to someone else. It looks like nothing has changed except for the addition of heat-wrap on the intercooler piping. The ad is mostly correct. I wanted to clarify a couple things. The engine block is

Oh boy I get to dust off my replica car again!

The cops say "stop."

You dummy, I gave very specific details of where I got my info, which is that bars DO NOT pay retail. And I also wholeheartedly endorsed paying $34 for chicken and $13 for an entree. Learn to read and learn to piss off.


Dune. Arrakis. Dessert planet.