

The idea the that public/sovereign government owns navigable waterways and beachfront at the intersection with the ocean is of ancient lineage, and you can find antecedents of the California Coastal Act going back to the Romans.

He EATS people, he doesn’t violate their right to privacy!

I thought the show stated they were in Monterrey, but much of the actual filming done in Southern California. However all those city scenes confused me. Was the dude taking a copter to work or something? Or a really long commute to a San Jose that doesn’t exist?

Ah, but you never forget your first.

I have lurked on Jezebel for a few years and enjoyed the commentary, and today is the first day I have commented. Plain view assault/grooming happens all the time, and adults either don’t see it or choose not to acknowledge it. I’m not encouraging paranoia in parents, teachers, and chaperones, just awareness. Be aware

You can never go “overboard” posting the truth. That’s the one thing internet comment sections need.

“Blink twice if you need help.”

I had those glasses in the 70s. I don’t want them back.

My mama always used to say just because you’re paranoid, that doesn’t mean they’re not after you.

It’s relevant, there are a lot of comments on this topic, and you’re kind of doing a public service given that a) a lot of people don’t know about that report and b) ordinary citizens should be doing a whole lot more to get their Representatives and Senators to get off their collective butts and deal with Zuckerberg

Asking the patient if they consumed any alcohol is a valid medical question. It’s information an EMT or paramedic would need to determine treatment. Asking the victim what they did to trigger the violence is so far outside of the scope of EMT or paramedic practice, they should be reprimanded for asking it.

Correction *your brain is too big* for Zara clothes.

I legit once realized my head was too fat for Zara. I tried on a size large shirt when I am usually a medium everywhere else, and it got stuck on the top of my nose. After I untangled it, I checked to see if there was a zipper or button or anything. Nope. My head is too fat for clothes.

Cardin just recently released a report critical of the Russian Government, and suddenly he has a primary challenger. And look who’s excited about it!

This. It wasn’t the fucking Pentagon papers, she indiscriminately stole tens of thousands of files and passed them along to an organization that is by now pretty transparently a piece of Russia’s propaganda arm

Cardin is a genuinely excellent Senator. He gives a damn, he works grassroots issues for the state, and on the Foreign Relations Committee he has long been on the side of the countries Trump hates. He is not Feinstein, for example, who justifiably should be primaried.

Every kid under 5 years old is named Calamity. ;)