
I hate that I don’t know if either one of you is kidding.

you could argue his voters would benefit from these tax cuts, but I just don’t get it with Ryan’s district

Did Fagin really attempt to snub Walton, or was it more of an artful dodge?

This is why healthcare isnt a good model for private insurance, but we use it anyway. The problem with your analogy fitting healthcare isnt that we all pay for maternity care, its that we all drive Ferrarri’s, or at least require the medical industry to assume so. You get the same standard of care medically on your

It’s amazing how this argument only applies to female-specific care. Somehow no one ever suggests that women shouldn’t have to pay for coverage that includes prostate exams and vasectomies.

I hope when he’s one away from catching up to Nixon they just start putting a little Nixon-in-a-Box on any Trump cover to keep him from getting there.

Gita, thank you for this--and particularly for taking the time to collect opinions from the broader fanbase.

I personally find what Jontron had to say during the “debate” (if such it can be called with a straight face) absolutely repugnant, on both a (personal) moral level, and as someone who is reasonably well-versed

Can we all applaud and celebrate that he used landscape mode?

“It’s not the government’s job to provide healthcare to its citizens! That’s fascist socialism! Now if you’ll excuse me, my house is on fire, I’m going to go call 911!”

Oddly enough my favorite in that series is “Tactics”.

“Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn. Tell us the lesson this player should learn.”

Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

sounds great. i assume you’ll be deciding what’s “unnecessary,” “not essential to the operation of the federal government,” and which laws “don’t need to exist”?

I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?

This movement is all about breaking teacher’s unions & turning our education professionals into uncredentialled, at-will service sector employees. “Welcome to Hardee’s Academy — can I teach you long division today?”

It’s as if the work of Arne Duncan (clearly your friends don’t work in education policy or higher education, he was very active and visible in both) wasn’t about HIM and about things like increasing FAFSA completion or working with the FLOTUS on projects like Reach Higher and Better Make Room to increase college

The... the Nazis. Are you being serious right now? Did you just tip your hand asking me if I’m scared of a nice Nazi?

Did you miss the largest political protest in human history a few weeks ago, almost all left, from all over the world and not a SINGLE arrest or violent act? Of course you didn’t. You didn’t miss it,

This is essentially the same argument that was used against Martin Luther King, Vietnam War protestors, and essentially every union in history: “Guys, no one will take you seriously because you’re being POLITE enough! Why aren’t you bowing down and licking the boots of the people who want to take your basic rights

For me, the nazis. Lives can’t be “fixed” and civil rights, once lost, are incredibly difficult to restore.