
How about the rather effective, continued assault on the idea that there is objective knowledge in the world? This administration’s constant insistence that its own opinions and views of the world are reality solely because they want it to be is very dangerous stuff. We have lost the ability to have any kind of

I can’t tell if this is serious or tongue-in-cheek, but the NYT article provided zero actual evidence for any of this, as is always the case in such instances. The odds against this are just so incredibly extraordinarily low - that the evidence must be equally extraordinary to support it. None of this comes remotely

“Too many people taking Nassar’s word for it and him being able to talk his way out of things before they got out of his control.”

There’s no evidence of it because MSU refused to release their internal report, as the article states. At least Penn State had the guts to look at their failings honestly.

You do realize that Paterno was not the child molester, correct? There are multiple people at MSU mentioned in the article above whose failings were worse than Paterno’s.

That was a crazy game of doper

Why is it necessary to blast vehicles at high speeds through perfectly decent-looking wild habitat?

Yeah I’m tired of all those glory boys from KC getting all the attention too.

Many of these parks are increasingly suffering from too many visitors. Both the human experience there and the ecological integrity of these places suffer when they are over-used. So, aside from any revenue-based arguments, I think there is something to be said simply for increasing prices to preserve the experience

oooof that sounds soul-crushing. Hope you make it out someday...

While I dig the general badassery on display, this is not a safe or legal maneuver. The running back is not allowed to initiate contact with the top of their helmet. This is targeting, the same as it is for a defender, “initiating forcible contact with the crown of the helmet.” You cannot lower your head and contact

Umm... do you not remember mobs of people chanting “Lock her up!”?? If that applies to Hillary, it applies to these jokers too, moron. It’s the hypocrisy that is frustrating.

Looks like a 1st-summer Glaucous-winged Gull

I once delivered to a fancy-dressed chick and dude at a fraternity formal. They handed me a $100 bill for a $28 order and asked for $35 dollars back. I’m too nice for my own good, so I very slowly spelled it out for her like a word problem in grade school - “Your order is $28 and you want $35 dollars back in change

You’re right on joints and blunts for sure. And while I’ve never been a big fan myself, “spliffs” (mixed tobacco and weed) are a pretty popular thing. I’ve known a lot of people who smoke them as a middle ground between a cigarette and a joint.

the term gets bandied about way too much, but requiring respect for these symbols is actual facism

“Entire population”? I lived in State College during some of these years and knew nothing about any of it - am I guilty too then?

gotta protect THE SHIELD

That’s some serious ignorance, pal.

I dunno.... that was such a terrible, terrible framing job that I can hardly blame the ump.