
You’re wrong. The world isn’t a simple place, and vengeance was in this case required. This is the gray area where having the phone out during a movie is forgivable. This wasn’t some asshole texting his friends during the movie, “Bro, you won’t believe what’s up with Hulk!” This was a man on a mission. Was the mission

I wish I was so good at making friends I could afford to weaponize it.  

Just...just wear the clothes. We know who it is, the costume’s good and fine on its own, there’s no need to Blackface it up. Jesus, why is this so hard?

Yeah just don’t do that. 

I still smile like a goofball every time I see this.

To me this is still the greatest moment in competitive fighter history. Sure, DBFZ and BlazBlue have great moments but nothing (NOTHING!) compares to this.

It’s still mind-blowing to me that the whole thing took less than 3 minutes.

In a tournament, out of nowhere, without previous planing, he just thought, “Fuck it, I’ll just parry the whole super combo”.

There was a parry challenge mode in SF3 Third Strike against Chun Li, and I couldn’t even do that with 2 hours of attempts. Daigo was able to do that parry in a room full of screaming people.

we’re excited to tackle this challenge and will get back to you as soon as we are ready.

It’s almost as if being a fanboy just makes you a rube for that company to rip off in the end.

You know, when people talk about Marvel Easter Eggs, that’s not what I had in mind...

Ah yes, the Infinity Eggs, Thanos and the Easter Bunny, making shit happen.

Every single recommended story is “Stop preordering video games.” Every. Single. One.
That’s hilarious.

Well this brings back some memories

It’d have survived without damage anyway.

You just won the Internet for today and maybe for the week.

amazing that it was never set on fire and dunked from 40 feet

I felt bad for Roiland, he was the only reason it was somewhat entertaining, also Fallout 76 is a god damn disaster.

If you finished it 2 years ago, you clearly haven’t finished it. There’s been like 17 DLC packs released since then. Pay up!