
After a rocky start, to see the constant improvement and support from Evolution was really nice (and I still have to try the bike add-on)

When he started demanding that his hack kid be in every movie under the sun, it was time for him to be put out to pasture.

I figured it conflicted with what ever he’s doing on Suicide squad or something.

Will Smith had a fit because he wasn’t the main character and his son who can’t act wasn’t allowed a part. Will Smith has become a douche and if he is going to throw a fit then the movie is better of without him.

They are definitely trying. Though they still lag on the whole Games with Gold vs PS Plus thing. Not that I don’t think free games aren’t great or something but I’m way more impressed by Plus usually.

Final Fantasy VI wasn’t grimdark, it had a lot of color. It just didn’t have all of the characters in bright pastels. Personally, I much, much prefer the game’s art as it was before with the SNES, PS1, and GBA: Advance.

(All these names came from my stream of FFVII, which I’ll hopefully be revisiting tonight or later this week.)


Nah. Too soon. I named her John Cena

Please tell me you didn’t name Aerith “Iwata”.

I wouldn’t ask Bethesda a damn thing.

Oh, that is some blatant bullshit. This remake is guaranteed to sell millions of copies, if they opened it up for preorder tomorrow they would probably have at least a million paid for by the end of the month. Fans would eat up limited editions, day one bundles and even console bundles without any hesitation. Shit,

I don’t think I’ve ever been more skeptical of a product. It sounds really awesome, looks cool in demo situations, and the concept is really inventive... But burn me once...

I was being facetious.

i honestly thought about building a nuke, but then i saw how long it took and how much resources, and i was like nah i’m good, and i don’t bother with the FOB stuff, so yeah...

Neat thanks! I pressed the button and took off. I’ll try this tip to get the gun. Also:

That’s a pretty low ceiling for quality there.