
I went upstairs in my very first play. It was 1999.

I’m glad I’ve never met a cosplayer. I would be the most annoying frigging person. “What’s that made of? How long did it take you? Why did you use that material? Is it comfortable? Is it durable? How heavy is it? Is it a lot of pieces? Can you take it apart? How is your hair doing that? How did you get it so shiny?

The developers just wanted a payday, too.

Yeah ,but if they had it as a pop up right at the begining of the credits with a designated screen like this it could work. Does this pop up when you start a new game or every time you play the game? If its every time you play the game....still seems like they are trying way to hard.

Ok good thing im not the only one. Seems like this belongs idk....in the credits? Because its a credit. Putting it on the start up just screams “IM TRYING REALLY HARD”

This message has become unnecessary to me. This one in particular seems like it's really trying too hard

pack it up, we’re done here tonight.

Read title; thought it was a post about Star Citizen sent from the future.

This had never crossed my mind but I would pay any amount of money for that tbh. And it would pair perfectly with my Heart of the Praxic Fire armor

So far, no, I am still getting utility out of the free ones. One of the deterring factors to me even considering buying an emote is the fact that I can only equip one at a time.

I want a Praise the Sun emote \[T]/

Same. Plus it has a better price: $0/month.

I call this service “NoScript” and “Adblock”.

(this is actually why that image was chosen)

cool story bro.

No Man’s Sky is going to be that game I buy at launch, play for 15 hours and then never touch again.

the biggest thing about driving stick is getting to feel the gear catching when you engage and disengage the clutch and are trading off clutch for accelerator pressure, not sure how a video game is supposed to mimic that tactile feedback but good luck fahey!

Total Recall is a look back at the history of video games through their characters, franchises, developers and trends.