
If this were a trend in FF games I'd say alright complain, but with the number of FF games out there I don't think it matters if one game has a male heavy cast. I mean there's a lot of practical reasons for people of the same gender to end up experiencing something together. You could argue that they should balance it

What an enormous doucher. Everything from the way he dresses to the designer furniture that is on the stage for some reason to the way he can only manage to say a few snide words at a time in between his condescending pauses, it all screams doucher. Say what you will about Notch, but at least he isn't this guy.

See, I've never been concerned with labels. If people don't consider video games art, fine. Not sports, fine. There doesn't need to be some agreed consensus about what they are or they aren't as long as you enjoy them. I find the people who insist on characterizing certain creative outputs or activities as such are

Pitchfork just come out as an ass... I can't believe this company has games so popular like Borderland... Never even liked that series myself... Repetitive game and sequel. Man they sat on the Duke Nukem license and pushed out some half assed game. Seriously, bad studio is bad.

No one ever should have respected Gearbox that damn much in the first place. The only semi-decent thing they have to their name is a depthless FPS game with Diablo loot.

Thank god I'm not the only here who realized the same thing. Nintendo gets away with a lot of shit that Sony & MS wouldn't be able to.

The whole thing about needing to upgrade to play certain games is awful, and I feel that if Sony or MS tried to pull the same thing there would be hell to pay.

That's because it's not a real sport.

Competitive gaming is the goofiest thing I have seen in my gaming career.

I still want battle mode specific maps. Block fort?

Booh hoo. I hate change.

Great, a remake of a remake. They should release it in 2016 for the anniversary, imo. I'd rather have a remake of Outbreak though, honestly.

Saiz you. KoF2003, XI and XIII were extraordinarily fine fighting games.

Why spotlight terrible artwork?

How to draw generic characters 101.

Then I laugh bitterly to myself because I realize that, yep, I'm a straight white dude fretting about a single, solitary place not regarding him as the default for once in, you know, ever. Strong play, Grayson. Strong play.

Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 3. Or a new co-op-focused Trauma Center. Touchscreen could be used for suturing, Wii remote pointer for lasering tumours.

Nintendo winning shocks me. Not that I'm not excited about what's to come, because I'm buying a Wii-U the moment Smash is released. But that brings me to my point.....did Nintendo really win? Or did they just stop sucking? Past few E3s have been garbage for Nintendo. Now they play it right and announce things everyone