
His face reminds me of Tippy, the Draw Me turtle.

Never forget these rich assholes are getting a slap on the wrist while a black mother was put in jail for using her father’s address JUST so her kids could go to a better school. As she said in her own words,“They wanted me to be an example.”

Is tuition cheaper if I watch from the corner of the room...

He’s throwing her right under the bus. I hope she fights back. *warms up the popcorn maker*

1. Let he who has not sinned self pleasured furiously as a third party to your wife’s dalliances while you kick out students for far less cast the first stone unconditionally endorse Trump on the one week in a four year period where Trump desperately needs his hypocritical endorsement.

Trump is phony?

I bet you’d wish on the monkey’s paw too. 

Surprised he didn’t go with, “sorry to anyone who might have been hurt by my actions.” That’s the standard sorry-not-sorry.

Ah, owls!

He is not at all in poor health. That feeble-looking piece of scum in the wheelchair was all an act. The DA released footage of him in his cell, and he’s moving about quite spryly.

In my early 20s I had a part-time job tending bar. There was a guy who would come in every night and ask me out every night. I would turn him down every night. He thought he was God’s Gift. Really smarmy, as if he’d trained under a pick-up artist. He really wanted to be Tom Cruise. One night, my ex boyfriend (with whom

When he sleeps at night, he needs to rest a stack of plates on his back, and if they rattle, his gets shot straight in the air with an ejector button.

Honestly, I don’t expect a whole lot of forward motion from a Biden administration. So much effort is going to be needed just to start repairing the damage Trump has done. That would be true no matter who the nominee was.

We’ll have a national mandate to wear a mask — not as a burden, but to protect each other. It’s a patriotic duty.

Susan B. Anthony would not want a pardon for breaking a law she saw as illegitimate. Accepting a pardon from the state, in Susan B Anthony’s case, is accepting their legitimacy to have barred her from suffrage in the first place. It is, in effect, “forgiving” people for resisting the state’s efforts to remove from

On Turing you are absolutely wrong. Lots of people objected to that pardon, both because Turing was being given treatment thousands of other gay men did not, and because a “pardon” is forgiveness for a crime, which still assumes that the law was itself legitimate:

everyone in the replies taking this super seriously and shaming you for not doing your homework probably a decade ago is sending me lol

You actually did your brother a favor by having him do your homework and explain it to you. Doing something while explaining it is an excellent exercise, even if the other person doesn’t listen.

If there’s any justice in this world, Trump Tower will be taken by eminent domain and turned into a shelter for LGBTQIA refugees from Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East, and the funds from this would be used to pay for it.

On thinner bodies, the dress skews a tiny bit fascist.