
The anecdote about the waitress really made me shake my head about how clueless Strauss and Jeffries are. They read the waitress getting red and flustered as hot and bothered, when I (woman and former waitress) read it as anger and frustration as in “Holy shit, how do I respond to this entirely inappropriate asshole

Men are a lot less likely to chat with female waitstaff when on first dates. And men are definitely less likely to chat with female passengers on the bus when with their girlfriends. Both of those are recipes for disaster for a man. Women do it more often. And men are more likely to put up with it. If a man does it,

I can’t attest to whether “many women” engage in the behavior you are describing for the manipulative reasons you are describing. All I can say is that I have never personally experienced that sort of behavior, witnessed any woman I know engage in that sort of behavior, nor have I heard any woman I know describing

A bizarre back and forth ensues during which the waitress turns “beet red”—the reader is meant to assume she’s feeling hot and bothered for him

I’m a man, and I don’t think I’ve ever experienced these sorts of behaviors from women, nor has any woman I know told me she routinely engages in these sorts of behaviors. Maybe the women I know just missed the meeting where they all agreed to do this shit?

Classic Chad right there.

I was talking with my mom about dating today. I told her that the last few years, instead of putting my focus on finding someone to do things with, I’ve been trying to learn how to enjoy all those things by myself. I’m done waiting for the right one to come along, I already know the person who I share the most

Rheum patients like myself (lupus) are cool with masks because we are not trying to die and we know we’re at risk. My patients who are getting chemo and are immunocompromised are all pretty chill with masks. It’s the folks with stage I cancers who do not require intense treatment or random family members who are being

Virginia. We’ve had it relatively easy and that’s the issue. People aren’t scared anymore, so they aren’t masking or distancing. Thus, we are back in the red and facing an explosion of cases. I actually didn’t have any push back about masks until this month. Now, people are “over it” and getting in our faces. Thanks,

It’s not like other small businesses could’ve benefitted from such a generous loan or anything...

No thanks. That’s how you get an Audrey 2. 

“I drank what?”

Even if you don’t plant the seeds, you can still end up with a fake review.

Reagan can still beat Trump on a cognitive test.

Don’t you worry, we will 100% fight you on everything.

Elsewhere in Virginia, Fairfax County just changed the name of Robert E. Lee High School to John R. Lewis High School. A trend of renaming things from loser Confederate soldiers to Civil Rights icons won’t be enough to salvage 2020, but it would still be nice.

As a Richmonder, and hater of confederate mythology, the statue removals are long overdue, but that they are gone or going now is plenty of reason to be hopeful about changes that need to be made for the present and future.  I’ve loved watching them come down when I was doubtful it would happen. 

Take Jane Scilovati, a Pennsylvania schoolteacher who recently told the New York Times that the way Trump handles issues of race is a “disgrace” and “deplorable,” and that she regrets her decision to vote for him in 2016. “He doesn’t have any compassion or empathy; he doesn’t reference historical facts correctly,” she

It’s so fucking satisfying to hear her calling out the hypocrisy and non-evidential citing of wives and daughters in these kinds of statements. 

Having a conversation implies that there are parties who need to understand the situation and learn more. Facebook is notorious for making such claims but...