am i the only person disturbed that they placed a fucking singularity on this child’s face to obscure it? its like for the rest of my life, i am going to imagine little kids have endless voids on their faces...
am i the only person disturbed that they placed a fucking singularity on this child’s face to obscure it? its like for the rest of my life, i am going to imagine little kids have endless voids on their faces...
Why did they make the kid’s face look like a Stargate portal? Is Kurt Russell still in there?
It’s amazing the kid even made it to the onramp with that Etsy craft plate stuck to his face.
I read the entire article thinking that it must explain at some point why there’s a small plate taped over the kid’s face.
Okay I understand that a minors identity needs to be protected, but what the FUCK is that over his face?! What kind of a censor is that? What is that supposed to be, a scribble? a gold coin? some kind of mask? What exactly is happening in this image and why was it done instead of just a blur or black bar or literally…
Extra impressive that he could drive with some sort of horrific face void
“Jesus was treated very badly. But I’m treated worse. You know why? Because the fake news crucifies me everyday. time. Me every day. So wrong, so unfair.”
Counterpoint: the knife fight was cool.
That’s not Satan, it’s a demon named Pazuzu. Father Merrick unearths an ancient statue of him on a dig in Iraq. This actually leads to some interesting speculation about how old the demon is and if he’s related to the Christian/Catholic heaven and hell dichotomy at all.
How much do you think a baby goes for on the free market? It’s not like you can just buy one and be done with it - they don’t stay cute forever, so you have to keep purchasing new inventory.
It’s not the lack of stealth that makes me an eternal alien visitation skeptic (it’s not a given that a species that more advanced than ours would even care about hiding from us if they came), for me it’s just a distance/time/interest issue. First, belief in alien visitation has always struck me as a little anthropoce…
I’ve written on these sites several times about my wife, a nurse, and how the best things I’ve been able to do to support her has been to scour the community begging and pleading for whatever PPE people are willing to donate for her and her team to be safe. Do you know which individuals have, by a ridiculous margin,…
Excuse me, sir, but you can shut the whole entire fuck up with this purposeful missing of the point and attempt to distract.
To start what? Restricting immigration isn’t a tactic against racism. Your hobby horse isn’t relevant to the topic at hand. If China turned itself around tomorrow, there would still be racism, because that’s how racism works.
She doesn’t have to be a walking example of Traction Alopecia after all!
Aww, JoJo Siwa looks adorable. The feeling of relief emanating from her scalp is palpable!
what a dick
Okay, one, no. Maybe it’s just the combo of his haircut and that picture, but this doy-boy would NOT be my favorite in any capacity, unless the category was “who was your favorite replacement for a heavy bag?”