
Everyone knows that when they start adding children and animals the series is on its last leg.

“The people who are triggered by me—‘I don’t like her because she is pretty and she has money’—it’s because they haven’t given themselves permission to be exactly who they are,” she says.

I want to be clear here. I love pretty people! Some of my best friends are beautiful!!

I burst into tears after a Trump supporter told CSPAN “He couldn’t imagine the shape this country would be in if Clinton was President”. Hillary definitely would have been better in this crisis, starting with the fact that She wouldn't have dismantling the protections installed by Obama. 

Here’s how this will play out: Deaths from coronavirus end up being far less than the most pessimistic estimates of 1-2 million (estimates that depended on no action being taken whatsoever), largely because states, localities started taking proactive measures, such as shutting down schools and canceling events, while

This actually hits on something that has driven me nuts about a lot of Bernie leaning news blogs and institutions. And I don’t mean to isolate Jezebel with this is as it is a wider things. There’s no real, genuine criticism about Bernie’s choices and what led to this. While I do think there is a great deal to laud for

Many still unfairly hold Sanders accountable for Clinton’s defeat in 2016, and his tendency to avoid certain niceties—singing the Democratic party’s praises, buttering up the press—made him an abrasive figure for some.

Okay, so they’re going to remake it which is pointless since the first one is perfect and everybody’s seen it so they know the ending, or two, they’re going to change the ending and fuck it up.

I hope these real life Matt Foleys are living their best #vanlife down by the river eating government cheese.

Wherein I will always read his name as “Cotton Underwear” 

I tear up every time I hear We’ll Meet Again. It’s such a sturdy, hopeful in the face of what we know is coming tune.

There’s even that awkward space between “slur” and “is” which just indicates that she was on the phone with Chico’s customer service while tweeting.

I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!

Bahahahaha!!! Omg. that’s too funny! Just trying to figure out the narration, since I’m obviously dead now.

Now make the Blob and Triangle fight it out!

Aghhhhhhh! Ok, now I’m imaging a nightmare scenario starring all three:

Ok, here me out: it is entirely possible to be killed by a great white shark while taking a bath in your bathtub. They can easily swim up through the plumbing, through the bathtub drain, right into the tub. And they aren’t always visible to the eye until they are just ready to attack... CHOMP!!! And it doesn’t matter

That pasta is fucking wretched - has she literally never cooked before?!!

How did they een find that picture of Burton? Looks like Bill Murry doing a sad Mr Rogers sketch on SNL.

Data, you say? Data scoffs...