
Lol, the funny thing is that it isn’t. We have never had slavery beacuse we never had colonies. Our word “néger” which sounds like your N-word is a completely neutral and commonly used word. Blackface racism is also not a thing here. But of course every culture must be interpreted by the american point-of-view :P

“Cloaking one’s self in another’s culture, image, likeness for purposes of entertainment is not ever something to be celebrated.”

This is a terrible article.

I would like to have that discussion too. I would like to read that article too as a Hungarian woman of color, but I’m too busy looking at everyone’s super cute dramatic gif war.

There is something very US-centric about responses to this. I’d be interested to know more about how this related to race & Hungarian history.

Could we have an actual discussion, maybe? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to explain to people who might not understand how this is not an appropriate way to draw attention to a worthy topic? Instead of mocking and condemning dogmatically, could we explore the ways that this cause could be better served, and educate one