
Um, yeah, so basically we have the Toreadors being the pretentious patrons of the arts, and then we have the Brujah sister who comes along to remind everyone of their true nature. This ground was covered (quite extensively) twenty years ago by White Wolf Game Studio. When do we actually get something new? Something

There's a great alien invasion movie idea buried in all this. Or rather, a great "aliens wipe out humanity" movie idea. First, they don't invade all WWII style. They just wipe us out from space and no reason is ever given or deduced. They are aliens, after all. Their motivations wouldn't make sense to us anyway

What puzzles me is why they are taking so long to do the GDQ supermodule in a premium edition. I mean, it's rated the #1 best module series of all time. I love the S modules as much as the next first-gen nerd, and I have all appropriate respect for the A series, but let's face it, the GDQ series is nearly as iconic as

This has the usual nonsense of everything on our planet being more combustable than the bloody Hindenburg. I don't care how alien the monster is supposed to be, the minute I see a thin purple energy beam turn everything it hits into napalm, they've lost me as a viewer.

I think what really makes everyone here so indignant is the fact that Bay is laughing all the way to the bank with these movies. Don't be upset with Bay; be upset with the millions of your fellow citizens who reward his efforts with ticket, toy, and DVD sales. Remember, he wouldn't have this job if the general

And again we learn the crucial difference between "Earth-sized" and "Earth-like". I'm betting that 90% of casual readers would neither notice nor appreciate the difference if it weren't blatantly pointed out to them. And while the idea of finding another planet suitable for colonization is quaint, that's not why the

I believe the comparison with Silent Running has more to do with Cruise's character being "the last man in a dying environment" than with the tone and pacing of the film.

I take it you were present on set during the filming of both Tron Legacy and Oblivion?

It is the exposed remains of a formerly sunk ocean vessel. There are many others present, if not immediately visible. The resource gatherers in the distance have been sucking up ocean water for quite some time....

If someone is highly articulate, then they will not need filler words, nor will they need them to keep a listener engaged, since there won't be any "down time" between phrases to confuse the listener. On the other hand, an otherwise articulate speaker with too vast a vocabulary and a penchant for finding just the

I have proof that Bayesian thinking is not practiced by all scientifically-minded people, and it is called SETI.

Felicity as a character is pretty cool, I suppose. But I rolled my eyes a little when she was introduced because, this being The CW, even the dorky computer nerd has to be cast with someone who is stunningly gorgeous. This show could have won some major realism points by casting someone of very plain appearance (or

Unfortunately, as valid as all those reasons are NOT to reboot a film or franchise, they are all trumped by the one reason they DO IT ANYWAY. And that is they smell a buck to be made. Someone convinces a studio development exec that movie such-and-such would really cash in right now for this or that reason and the

Clearly, men have to have considerable monetary resources to be hobbyists for $500-600/hour escorts (the kind that get reviewed online). And those aren't even the "specialists". The fact that the 50-59 age bracket is where most of the data points fall shouldn't be too surprising given the financial prerequisites

If anyone finds a way to convince the studios and networks that the virtues of artistic integrity and sophisticated storytelling actually improve downstream revenue potential, they will usher in a sea change in Hollywood. Unfortunately, the suits have gigabytes of spreadsheet data that shows the net positive

San Diego is also about two hours (drive) from LA, depending on traffic conditions. Just so long as you don't try to pass through Del Mar during race season...

I really hope "nerd girls" don't try to wear this bikini in order to prove their nerd cred. Just like "nerd boys" (or worse, "nerd men") really should stay as far away from the <i>300</i> Spartan-wear as possible. Such things were not meant for average nerd bodies.

I loved the first movie, but it had a genuine sense of fun amidst all its dark, edgy humor and ultra (cartoony) violence. It never took itself too seriously which was key to why it worked. I hope this sequel is the same in both regards. My biggest fear is that Wadlow and Moretz won't quite carry the Hit Girl character

Yep. I cheered as well.

As someone who would rather see more sex and less violence on tv, I think I'll pass on this show. I would have passed entirely on Spartacus if it hadn't been for the lovely ladies that appeared throughout.