
That "controversy" will continue to consume words, breath, time, and energy until we as a species cease to be so primally terrified with the existential uncertainty of it all.

Blogs don't set out to misguide, they are here to entertain.

And lastly, it's a blog. Not a news site like CNN, etc.

Look at all the qualifiers in the advice given:

I'm not convinced that anyone in Hollywood understands the book, much less knows how to make a worthy adaptation of it. Hell, most readers don't seem to really grasp what they are reading, evidenced by the number of critics (of the book) who utterly miss the point of Heinlein's little thought experiment in social

I, for one, grew to dislike Westerns based on the kind of movies made during their heyday. The depiction of native Americans was atrocious and embarrassing. The Roosevelt/Eisenhower-era social mores were anachronistic (family "roles" were quite a bit more fluid in the era of western expansion). The contrived

That's on my Netflix queue...despite being a Western...and only because of the great performances I've heard so much about.

I actually really enjoyed Tombstone too...which is saying a lot considering how much I generally dislike Westerns.

Agree with all the above.

There's a difference between discussing things, and crying DOOOM! over it already. Which is the tone of the article and all the nervous nellies who see nothing but ethical crises with every step forward military technology takes. 99% of the time, common sense prevails and we get a slow, gradual integration of new

Wow, I could not have said it any better myself. You appear to be my identical twin (on this matter anyway).

Yay. More wringing of hands over technological advances in warfare. Wake me up when our robot overlords have (finally) taken over. Zzzzz...

So if this research is exposing a genuine correlation, then all it proves is that most of our species is still stuck in Kohlberg's first stage of moral development. Yay for the human race.

We all need to get used to it I'm afraid. There is no information anymore, just hype. There is no understanding, only oversimplification. Science has long since lost any ability to control its own press, which is why supreme skepticism must be applied to anything that gets reported as "news" today.

The Internet allows far more people to get in your face than in real life (thanks to the one-to-many power of forum/blog postings). Hence the biggest difference between online and meatspace social dynamics is that I am forced to use /ignore on the Internet several orders of magnitude more often than in the real world.

You had me at Mila Kunis...

And of course, all the indignant howls of offense and protest crawl out of the digital ether as expected.

Taikonaut? I had to go look that up (what an unnecessary waste of my time too). Turns out it means exactly the same thing as the word astronaut. The parable of the Tower of Babel comes to mind...

If we have an accepted age of the universe, then any galaxy whose light took as long as the universe has been in existance to reach us is, by definition, the oldest, maybe even the "first". A galaxy's light can't have travelled 20 billion light years (to reach us) if the universe is only 13.75 billion years old. It

Fine. Shelve it. The world really doesn't need any more zombie crap. Can we move on now as a culture please?