
Does God exist?

What is "MCU"? Do you mean 616?

"...balancing scientific accuracy with storytelling is 'hard, but worthwhile, because credibility is so important ... to audiences ...'"

I prefer asking a significant body of people to simply practice safe sex instead. That should provide at least 73% effectiveness for far less cost and no side effects.

You left out Buffy and Riley.

Unfortunately, those of us who might refuse to watch the crap, boycotting it in effect, are vastly outnumbered by the masses who have no ideological axe to grind and are desperate for something to do on weekends (especially when insistant kids are part of the equation). Our tiny voices of dissent are drowned out by

I only liked Trek films 2, 4, 6, and 8. And the only series I cared for was TOS, which I happily watch on Netflix while ignoring all the other series crud that came after. But nothing from the Rick Berman era was ever as horrifically awful as the Abrams film. Well, maybe "Encounter at Farpoint".

I am mostly, due to immediate context, referring to the prevailing attitude in Hollywood that drives blockbuster action film production, since we are after all talking about a reviewer who thought it was a "crime" that Hollywood didn't make it a priority to get innovative and fresh and "ambitious" with Battleship's

Yeah, I loved the very Vangelis-like score throughout the episode. It was a wonderful change of pace, musically. And it fit the tone of the episode perfectly, I thought.

Paramount managed to have Trek series and movies going concurrently for two decades. What makes it so impractical/undesirable now?

Yeah, me too. But the degree to which Tolkien's work gets dismissed by literary pundits shows how easy it is to swallow by everyone else. Similarly, Star Wars will surely get credit for establishing the template for the Colossal Movie Franchise, but with every passing decade it loses more and more of whatever credit

I just think any idealism aimed at mainstream Hollywood is essentially pissing in the wind. It may feel good, but it is ultimately unproductive. There is an outlet for filmmakers who want to put their idealism and passion for art to work, and that is the independent film market. The price for that independence,

It amazes me that for all the computing power at our disposal, these stupid blog polls still can't sort the results by vote count.

The Fillion/Baldwin reuinion on Castle was priceless. They couldn't have found a better character for Adam Baldwin to play than Det. Slaughter! I thoroughly enjoyed that episode (though the case they worked was predictably lame).

Yes, but I suspect that in the minds of many he has been surpassed by his literary descendants to such an extent that his influence feels almost incidental to them. I would have included Tolkien, Lovecraft, Chrichton, and Gibson, but I realize the list (and hence the article) could easily be twice as long as it is if

Oh, I'm well aware of that.

The worst part of all that was the tortured lengths they went to to try and write in subsequent "love interests" for both Agent Cooper and Audrey Horne, none of which had a fraction of the chemistry those two characters had together.

Biology raps, baby, freestyle!

I'm less concerned with the fandom, though. I surely can't be the only person on this site who loved a lot of crap when they were younger, but transitioned into other, more reputable properties later on.

Number 5 is my favorite.