
I caught quite a number of the first season episodes while I was in Vancouver for work last year. It was a lot of fun and a little dark much in the same way Angel was. But the best part of Lost Girl, for me anyway, was Ksenia Solo. She may not be the title character or the main "star" of the show, but she's its heart

Wow, so much love for Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, and Cartoon Network! I really wish I was 12 again.

What is the ratio of same-sex slash to hetero slash? Isn't it like 100-to-1 or something really lopsided like that? I don't see any theoretical reason for it to be bounded by an orientation, but slashfic appears to have de facto "soft boundaries". It may not be a rule that slash must be same-sex, but it seems that the

I'll never understand the appeal of slashfic. Being tragically straight is probably to blame for that.

I'm sorta curious how any "magic mirror" could possibly conclude that Kristen Stewart is the fairest (i.e., "prettiest") in the land over Charlize Theron. But not curious enough to watch the film. I suspect that either the mirror is messing with Evil Queen, or its definition of "fairest" involves a moral component

As depictions of plausible sci-fi characters almost all of these are absurd to be sure. But in terms of which one pulled the "sci-fi erotica" trigger for me most effectively, it would have to be Sci-fi Undress. The only thing that could possibly have improved her look, for me anyway, would have been longer hair.

Okay, let me rephrase. I hold the definition of science fiction to one which aims for a higher purpose than to merely provide a "science-y explanation" for something in a story. And yes, I believe literary genres, thanks to the principles held by its greatest authors, have noble purposes beyond merely delivering a

Kate's tiny white hiney is a national treasure (which nation, I'm not sure, but we share so much with our British compatriots, why not this?). If you're going to cover it up, covering it with skin-tight black latex/leather is the way to go, unless you can get her to agree to body paint instead. I am a big fan of that

All you need is some sort of science-y explanation.

If we're going to radically alter how we track time, we might as well just move to the Federation Star Date as our universal time measuring system, and Earth-bound time synchronization be damned!

The X-Men must face a vampire army led by vampire Wolverine.

Sorry, but they lost me (as a potential viewer) at "time-traveling". Particularly since that's pure fantasy, not science fiction (there is no credible science underwriting the kind of time travel that is depicted in these brain-dead shows), and most likely badly written fantasy to boot.

All this means eerily accurate insight into what you (and your cohort) are doing and why.

Or is it more the case that TV shows focused around a big mystery (with lots of little mysteries glommed on) should be a thing of the past?

Am I the only viewer who was not particularly moved by the Observer's statement to Olivia that there is no dimension/timeline in which she gets to be immortal?

Runway models, yoga instructors, dancers, gymnasts, professional cheerleaders, and fantasy heroines all have appropriately shaped bodies supple enough to pull off these poses almost effortlessly. Cute idea Mr. Hines, but flawed upon deeper inspection, methinks.

Further proof, in my book, that the more we over-protect ourselves (and our kids) from the normal rigors and non-lethal "dangers" of the real world, the less prepared our bodies are to cope with them as we live our adult lives. We are raising generations of humans who are allergic to everything, suffer in the worst

Yes, but unless that "added awareness" hits Neilsen families and makes them tune in, it doesn't increase the ratings figures that move advertisers to pony up money for future episode production.

Ooo, I had forgotten about that! You're right; that's a great match-up. That is an example of using characters' histories to good effect.

I think it depends on what it means for a show to "not have the ratings" to continue. In most of these cases, I think, it just means something else with better ratings could potentially take its place in the network schedule. But sometimes it isn't obvious what to replace it with. In such cases, "giving it a chance,"