
If this Runaways project really is being c**kblocked by The Avengers then, ultimately, I think it has nothing to worry about. My prediction is that The Avengers will do huge box office, Marvel/Disney will be flush with profits, and films like The Runaways will get the green light and a clear runway to take off in

The true purpose of this God Squad becomes rather apparent when one of these hot little crusaders shows up to your "excorcism" and the first thing she asks is where you've left her "donation".

I think a number of folks here have hit upon it.

Alcohol doesn't appear to be the only chemical capable of altering our perceptions of attractiveness. I think oxytocin can as well. The more you develop (romantic) feelings for someone, the more physically attractive they seem (or, depending on the case, the less physically unattractive they seem).

I'm assuming the practical fx city damage in Cleveland is going to be augmented by massive amounts of CG city damage because what I'm seeing in those on-set photos isn't very impressive. Hardly "superhero war zone carnage" at all, really. Compared to the damage the Hulk does battling the Ultimates in the first

The point is not whether SETI has produced something of scientific/practical value, it's that it could.

The blatant sexism, classism, and shallow characterizations in those books leave me entirely cold.

Has the SETI program ever produced anything of meaningful scientific/practical value?

If you watch the Red Letter Media analysis of Avatar, you'll get a pretty good idea of what we're referring to.

The dangers are already in evidence, IMO. Generations of men who are hopelessly confused as to how to appeal to women because too many of the biologically driven behaviors that are a natural product of sex differences are suppressed in the pursuit of gender equality. Generations of men who have no clue how to appeal

I can't believe people still argue about this. Oy.

Very few mundane computing tasks lend themselves to large-scale parallelism. This isn't a software design problem, but an intrinsic nature-of-the-task-being-performed problem. 99% of computer users today would benefit more from a single core running at 300Ghz than one hundred (parallel) cores running at 3Ghz. Alas,

CJA was referring to Avatar's Na'vi race (Neytiri in particular, I assume) with the comment about "lovable blue cat person". She was basically saying that these days a CGI character doesn't have to be designed to instill ambiguous lust, like Cameron's Na'vi, in order to grab your attention. Caesar is offered as a case

Um, sounds to me like this study is merely pointing out the (rather obvious) downside to girlfriends who become "one of the guys". This is probably no different than boyfriends who integrate too easily in their girl's female social circle; key signifiers of masculinity become subconsciously undermined, and without

While recent scientific discoveries may have inspired a bump in interest in alien invasion stories, they don't seem to have (more usefully) delivered a deeper understanding of the unlikelihood of extraterrestrial visitation. I think the wrong lessons are being "learned" by all these scientific discoveries and the

I'm heartened to see that I'm not the only one who was disappointed by the 4th edition D&D revamp. Clearly I wasn't the only rpger who recognized the pernicious influence that WoW had on it.

Lovable blue cat person? Don't you mean f***able blue cat person? I don't think the primary instinctual response Cameron was trying to evoke in the viewer was love. ;)

It is, by all appearances, the job of Internet fandom to work itself into a lather on the basis of as little meaningful information as possible, over subjects and issues as inconsequential as possible. Making snap judgements has become a national pasttime, and frankly it is embarrassing to witness.

Yeah, Frank Castle (aka The Punisher) is sort of the obvious choice, no?

She was also Papi for a season on the "L Word".