
Well, sure, but this article isn't talking about old fashioned values, but an idealized future in which a "modern" society evolves around "new fashioned" notions which are no longer based on outdated sexual politics. One aspect of those politics is the stupid double standard that says sexual promiscuity (which leads

I like monogamy for my own reasons, but I am not the least bit convinced that it is natural for our species. The drive to mate with multiple partners is stronger than the need for emotionally stable relationships, at least during those periods in life when our hormones are flowing through us with the most urgency. The

I never said you weren't desperate. ;)

You're absolutely right.

"Nobody with any sense of fun likes spoilers." Seriously? You're going to tell me if I have a sense of fun or not?

I love the Oz ones. Especially the first two.

It's a shame none of the major networks saw the potential of this show. I'll have to wait for it to hit DVD I guess.

The concept of infidelity is a by-product of the concept of socially enforced monogamous bonds (we call it marriage). Marriage is an external social construct that may or may not have benefits to individuals. The species itself doesn't need marriage to propagate, and sexual activity is an expression of species

If media outlets (like io9) think that the general public wants spoilers, then I think something is wrong. Maybe they are projecting (they can't resist knowing everything in advance, cuz well, journalists—and those who imagine themselves journalists—have a need to know everything and, more importantly, to appear as

Did Thor live up to the expectations generated by its early 90+% fresh ratings? Upon closer inspection, most reviewers said it was merely okay, but had to choose fresh because, well, being merely okay isn't bad enough to warrant a rotten rating (for most of them).

Well, I certainly agree that the show left a lot of mysteries unanswered and a lot of plot holes unplugged. But since I had no problem making sense out of the finale, I can't agree that it made no sense at all. I'm sure it left a lot of people, intelligent people even, scratching their heads. I don't know why it is so

Why do these all have a ballistic missile form?

The problem with high RT % numbers is that each review ultimately boils down to a binary value: it is either fresh or rotten. Unless you read the blurbs, you don't get a sense of what the reviewers really thought. A 90% RT score could come from everyone thinking the film was very mediocre, but not bad enough to rate

Yeah, a more brutish Beast would have been a more impressive choice for the film. But I didn't really expect that kind of courage from the production team. I mean, they made Hank a pretty boy, so it isn't surprising that in Beast form he was still a "cute" Beast. Cowards.

Agreed. I followed what was going on quite easily. But then, I am one of those who was so into the show that I (and my gf at the time) would pour through lostpedia.com after every episode and see what theories people were discussing, listen to the podcasts every week to hear what Darleton had to say, etc.

A movie doesn't have to be 100% live action to be called a "live action movie". Avatar is probably the best contemporary example of a movie that had less live action content than purely CGI content, and yet it is still considered a live action movie (overall).

It could be that they thought audiences would get confused with "Mars" in the title when all the characters in the movie call the place Barsoom instead. *shrug*

The problem isn't that the study is philosophically controversial. The problem is that it relies on false correlations to make its comparisons and claim meaningful insights. I mean, it's not even funny as a sly joke.

Oh, so there's another episode still to go? I thought this most recent episode was the finale. It's not?

Waitaminnit. I thought each season of GoT was supposed to cover one book from the series. Ned's death is in the third act, so to speak, but there is an awful lot that happens after that in Book One. So does that mean they are going to spread out each book into two seasons?