
Punishing disruptive kids may seem like a necessity, and without it the chaos may become unmanageable, but poorly behaved children are usually the result of poor parenting. Punishing only the kids is merely treating the symptom, not the disease. Of course, I don't know how a D&D DM would go about correcting the bad

Personally I think Laufey looks like a blue Narn.

corpore-metal already mentioned the Champions RPG (the tabletop one, not the lame MMO), but I think it bears restating that this game is an incredible superhero story engine. I've seen more creative and novel concepts come out of the minds of fellow players than 90% of the comic and movie writers in the industry.

Love the idea. But what's with the horrible edge highlighting?

I completely agree with your first sentiment. But if someone is going to put a timeline of "history" together, they should get the fundamental facts right, y'know? The distinction I drew is such a basic one that even as absurd as that cult is, it doesn't take dissection and fine levels of detail to get it right.

Scientology is the religion. Dianetics is the mind/body regimen. Ward should do some more research and then try again.

I realize that snub-nose assault rifles are all the rage in modern militaries these days, but internal-barrel supertech rifles just look retarded to me. Long barrles with velocity expanders may be "impractical" but they are ten times more impressive looking. And looking absurdly impressive is what sci-fi anime is

That dude had better pray he never falls over. S'all I'm sayin'...

Advice for io9: sit on your stories a little longer, eh? You shouldn't be reporting on anything so flimsy in its legitimacy that it requires complete refutation mere hours after the initial posting.

I assumed that "the Curse" was her tragic inability to pick winning shows to be a part of, not some sort of metaphysical power to kill off shows with her presence. IMO, the problem isn't Summer, it's her poor choices of projects.

I think this rumor is rather too obvious and therefore a gambit by Marvel to just throw everyone off the scent of the real script plot. Using Loki and the Skrull as the villains is straight from Ultimates 2. It was a badass story and it worked out great with Loki, god of illusions, doing his thing (and appearing as a

You forgot the main character in Cherry 2000 was married to an android and spent most of the movie trying to get parts to repair her.

Exactly. And if you notice, she was calling him Dr. Walter, not Dr. Bishop. I think this is meant to explain why Olvivia didn't remember the Bishop name later in life, and therefore had no way to connect Peter Bishop as the son of Dr. Walter when they met again in S1 as adults.

I think the idea is that the variety of reasons why some portion of the 500 participatns wouldn't (or couldn't) trace the line correctly simply works as a metaphor for random mutation. We don't know why various individuals didn't trace perfectly. It could have been deliberate sabotage. It could have been physical

Not bad, I guess. Using "Defying Gravity" as the linchpin of the pitch is just a little too obvious though. If I were a Disney exec, I'd want to watch the pitch with the sound muted, just to see if the concept could carry itself without a rousing Broadway pop number blaring behind it.

What this article doesn't mention is that the big studios (which include animation houses like Pixar/Disney and Dreamworks) employ a formula that predicts with uncanny accuracy the final revenue for a film based entirely on its opening weekend domestic box office performance. This figure is used for many things,

@NerD:blogOtaku: It is also hard to believe that Massive Dynamic doesn't have complete DNA records of every employee as part of their internal security measures. A quick DNA comparison (on tv, it is always quick) would have ruled out Brandon immediately. But the technology on Fringe is pretty much restricted to only

Avoidable mistakes are always lamentable, because they are mistakes and they could (should?) have been avoidable. But I would never have felt "guilty" about it as I had nothing to do with it. The notion that I might (or should) is laughable and almost insulting.