OH MY GOD how did you get a picture of the sandals I wore nearly every day for a while there??? I thought they were the greeeeeatest.
OH MY GOD how did you get a picture of the sandals I wore nearly every day for a while there??? I thought they were the greeeeeatest.
Colored fishnets + colored tights (of two different colors, natch) are ALWAYS WIN.
Got it. Thanks!
Thank you - I was trying to piece this together from comments in all the different posts, and that was exactly the sort of concise summation that I was hoping someone would give. I think I get it now.
Wait...can you explain the distinction? Because I find this fascinating (and educational), but totally do not understand the difference. Does that mean that she did have sex, it just wasn't considered a sin?
Thank you for clarifying that. I always thought that it meant God made her pregnant. (After all, lots of old paintings show the little teensy baby coming down from heaven on a shaft of light...I always thought that meant God had sent that baby to land in her womb.)
Thumb rings good god I love it
OMG I need to see that episode.
A quarter Klingon? Talk about a pick-up line....
These sequins are suuuuuuper-classy....I think I've seen them before, on the Halloween Adventure Store knock-off Little Mermaid costumes.
I have always had exactly the same sentiment. Not a word I would choose for a store name unless I was planning to sell cute overalls and gingham shirts. Even then, actually...
It had built in nipples.
Seafoam green lace??
Agreed - the color is gorgeous on you. And that's a color that most people cannot wear at all. So it looks extra couture and special-order on you because you wouldn't normally find an off-the-shelf wedding dress in that color.
Well said.
so when my tit blocked my view
Great, something else for me to be terrified of...hyperextending my tongue while eating. THANKS A LOT.
who detached me from the mixer