
I just checked them out too, and I really like them!! Thx for the recommendation.

Much win here.

Because "Parenting: You're Doing It Wrong (Whatever It Is You're Doing)"

But on the bright side, when he gets a little older you can tell him that he was briefly abducted and studied by aliens as a baby, thereby ensuring that he'll never forget the horror of that blinking device....and he'll blame it all on aliens. :)

....you're asking people who for several generations now have had no compunction about putting their child on a leash.

Thank god that the Good People of Twitterdom spoke up for truth, freedom, and the right to bash others. I'll sleep better tonight.

I love my Chemex. It makes the smoothest, least bitter cup of coffee (IMHO). Yes, it's a bit more work but as the article above says, the process is part of the enjoyment.

Thanks for the video links. Those were all really interesting and now I see that I will get no work done today because I am going down an internet rabbit hole on this topic. :)

Definitely my favorite, and sure to ignite a firestorm of controversy!

Ooh, I have to check out their visor. I have recently started to think about getting one of those full-face visors (as shown in some of the comments on this post) to wear when I drive. My friends think I'm insane, but somehow I think you will understand the appeal of that. It amazes me how little people realize (or

I think you & I are soul sisters, at least for our huge hats and obsession with protecting our skin. I have a pair of those Asian driving gloves that go all the way up your arms, and I wear them whenever I drive for more than 10 minutes. My friends laugh at me, and I always say "I'm allergic to wrinkles. Laugh now and

more and more women are making their own Facekinis out of used underwear and lingerie

Agreed - hamsters are (generally) pretty nasty. Domestic rats are a much better choice if you want to get a furry little pet for your child. I had both a hamster and a rat when I was a kid (sequentially, not simultaneously). The rat was 1000% smarter, cooler, friendlier, and nicer. Much, much nicer.

the truth is the movie stars only look like movie stars with all the smoke and mirrors

I have an extremely similar rule! I'll try any food as long as it is an actual food that some group of people somewhere on the planet consider to be a food. In other words, I won't eat a scoop of pig shit just because someone says "This is food."

I think I can tell who's the middle child here. Clearly sick of the bullshit and constantly stuck between Over-Achieving Eldest and Adorably Cute Youngest. I feel for her.

I love that they bought their daughter a huge plastic dinosaur. All good parents know that dinosaur toys rock.

I literally jumped a little in my chair when I saw that. Creepy as fuck.

Back off, hater. I have friends who are ghosts. They wouldn't cut someone's fingers off and paste them to a post. They're good folks just trying to make their way and constantly getting spit on by the government and psychics. Don't be such a life-ist.

Am I allowed to actually like that? Because I do like that. I wouldn't classify that as a catcall, even. That's a compliment. Right? (Well, it is to me, anyway.)