
No offense kid, I don't think you even know how to boil water.

"Do penguins have knees?" Iowa has to know. I have to know.

I applaud the subtle Kramer vs. Kramer joke in the "protracted custody battle" line.

Is it similar to Hawthorne's Snow White homage House of Seven Goblins?

This thread is missing CHI-chaw CHI-chaw CHI-chaw

Looks like the Feds claim they didn't take it.

Phantom Menace II Society

I agree. I've seen CGI done well, but too often it's used as a shortcut instead of as a medium.

Look, let's be honest. What sets the original trilogy apart from almost anything is that the people who designed those sets, effects, creatures, costumes, sounds, ships, weapons, etc., were geniuses. Flat-out, insanely creative people. It didn't matter that the story was as recycled as the cozy on a coffee cup, it

Does nobody in the Star Wars universe give paternity tests? Or are they all just afraid Maury will pop up and say, "You are NOT the father… It's the fucking midichlorians."

Congratulations on being the only person from 1995 who knows who Philip Seymour Hoffman is.

"From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. 'Get out of here, baldy!' they said. 'Get out of here, baldy!' He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and

I went to Wikipedia for you. According to "The Internet's Most Trusted," Eli is the son of a psychoanalyst and a painter, speaks four languages, and was inspired to make movies at age 8 after watching Alien. He also has some kind of relationship with David Lynch.

"The movie… hits harder than… any… since the early '90s." - Ignatiy Vishnevetsky

Episode III was originally going to end with a stirring rendition of "Leia It's Your Birthday."

By this point Alt-J should just go ahead and change their name to Mainstream-J.

What if this show is actually also the new Twin Peaks show and Mary-Kate is the Laura Palmer character who gets murdered and then her cousin shows up played by Ashely and then (*SPOILERS*) she gets killed too and the killer is Killer BOB Saget.

I think the most incredible creative output that I know of from someone who was gravely ill is the work of Robert Bolaño. He only started seriously writing fiction in 1990 to support his children, and began writing and publishing like a maniac after his diagnosis with a fatal liver disease in 1992. He eventually died

Early nomination for photoshop of the year. Ballsy, the big guns usually wait to release theirs until December so they're fresh in everyone's minds/nightmares.