“The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”
“The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”
Hopefully right before lowering the pillow onto his face.
Someday, Nunes is going to be old and retired and his grandchildren will come up to him and ask him what the hell was wrong with him after googling him.
Curious how old you are and if you’ve ever been a non-smoker in a room or restaurant full of smokers, which is what we all experienced before laws started to change rapidly in the mid-90s. I’ll take someone’s vape cloud in my face over cigarette smoke from 200 feet away, any day of the week.
God, I wish I could fully enjoy this. I wish I could revel in this utter stupidity and incompetence and absurdity. I wish I could just bathe in the schadenfreude without that pessimistic voice in the back of my head staring out the window distractedly and softly whispering, “none of this matters, you know.”
Did no one smoke in high school and middle school where you’re from?
Plural of anecdote is not “data.”
I am reminded of this clip from season 2 of Legion about moral panic:
“We need to take responsibility for this and vote next November and show that we have a certain set of values and we insist that our leaders reflect those values,”
As a more clever writer than I opined elsewhere, firing Comey from his job rather than from out of a canon certainly let him off the hook.
It almost makes me wonder if Pelosi was playing the “long game” for impeachment inquiries - waiting until Trump stuffed both feet into his mouth, and then all the investigations - Ukraine, hush money, emoluments, his lovefest with Putin and Kim-Jong Il - could come at him like a tsunami on Phuket.
Troll on troll violence is my favorite type of Kinja
You can tell conservatives are on the right side of history because their greatest rival is teens who want to live.
Libertarians really showed their true colors the last few years, haven’t they?
White privilege run amok combined with pseudo-intellectualism that’s off the charts.
Yes, for that time period China is only 11% of the overall total, however they joined the game relatively late. In 2016 China accounted for 29% of total global emissions while the US accounted for 16%. I’m willing to wager Internet Bucks that 11% has gone up a few points over the past 8 years since that chart was made.
Fuck Reason and every disingenuous cretin that writes for them and supports their increasing flirtation with the far-right. It’s basically Quillette-lite now, and abhorrent trolls like Cathy Young as why. White privilege run amok combined with pseudo-intellectualism that’s off the charts.
I wonder what the overlap is between people who think that, like, 7 year olds getting a participation award signals the end of western civilization, and Trump supporters who unironically think he deserves all the accolades and adoring fawning media coverage just for barely showing up to a job he actively sought out.