Zsa Zsa Gaborg

My (wild) theory is predicted on Jussie having told the truth about*everything* which is possible but doesn’t seem more likely than anything else. It just doesn’t make sense for a prosecutor to drop a case like this. It’s national news, he’s a public figure, and the nature of the crime meant that this was one of those

I know! It would be INSANE to exonerate him in this way with that kind of evidence. But remember a few years ago, when a Chicago cop shot a kid sixteen times and lied about it being in self defense? Other Chicago PD officers went to nearby locations (with fake warrants IIRC) to destroy or alter surveillance footage.

The only thing that makes sense to me is if he was attacked by off-duty cops. Even taking the corruption of the Chicago PD as a given, they claimed to have testimony from co-conspirators with communications showing the planning of the attack. If Jussie’s entire story is true, that means the PD bribed witnesses and

Calling this Obama’s only accomplishment is patently untrue. It’s his biggest accomplishment, for sure, but hardly the only one. As for the suppression of judicial appointments, his administration brought attention to the issue many, many times, noting that his nominees were made to wait several times longer than the

Oof. I remember engaging with that person until I realized that their identity continually evolved new permutations to win arguments. At some point they were a queer Canadian African (Somali or Sudanese?) Muslim refugee, with a physical disability too IIRC. If we’d waited long enough he/she/they would probably have

Do you remember Gurvisback? Because both the painfully obvious trolling and credulous responses from well meaning splinterinos is giving me flashbacks.

Lol yes yes vote for the vanity party that kept Al Gore out of the White House, then 16 years later helped the most environmentally irresponsible President in history get elected! But it’s definitely not a fringe party, as long as you ignore that their previous nominee is an anti-vaxxer with suspicious ties to the

Maybe more colleges should operate like art schools: let in tons of applicants, then run them through a brutal year of foundations courses to weed out the weak. It’s honest, it gives people without some expensive pedigree (or who spent high school being teenagers instead of resume zombies) a fair chance to prove

First, read the article. She is not taking money from tech companies, and only has one donation from an executive; everything else is from regular employees. I’m sure she has a lot of donations from doctors and nurses too, but that doesn’t mean they’re dictating her stance on healthcare policy.

Ah yes, I recall seeing contemporaneous notes detailing how disarming the most violent regime in history would make an awesome excuse for invading Vietnam twenty years later. The fact that the ensuing time period has been the most peaceful and safest in known history is just a clever smokescreen. With all the

I don’t want a centrist, I want a progressive who isn’t sleazy. In the 1980s when Warren was leaning on some thin Cherokee ancestry to seem interesting (which was dumb and colonialist), Bernie Sanders was traveling to Central America and unrepentantly endorsing death squads (who butchered thousands of people). And yet

I mean, it’s true though. We’re the financial hub for an entire continent, and we host the UN. There’s a reason multinationals open their first North American offices in or near the city, unless some critical aspect of their business necessitates locating in Miami or the west coast.It’s also why we always get blown up

Because she’s charismatic and really popular among Democratic voters, so they’re trying to Hillary her. (Not that Hillz was either of those things, just saying they're undermining her preemptively)

“No replacement nominee has been announced yet, but some names being floated are Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell and Ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft.”

From my own anecdotal observations on the ground:

*promised* to pay for. You know that POS doesn't actually come up with the money.

It looked like she was using it as an example, not as the focus. I agree that it's a bad faith reading to see it any other way, but Congress runs on bad faith.

You are right about the acronym. If you made it to the second sentence of their Wikipedia entry, you would see that they donate to PACs and are one of the most influential lobbying groups in the US. They’re forbidden from donating directly to campaigns, but can give as much as they want to candidates’ PACs; 501 c 3's

This is a good take. AIPAC is a political action committee - it exists solely for the purpose of spending money to influence politics. Pointing out that fact is not anti-Semitic. But if you are going to point that out, you need to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that you are talking about AIPAC and only AIPAC. I am not happy

Trump is the kind of guy that pays hookers to pee on the bed of someone he hates. He is a sad, strange sack of id.