Zsa Zsa Gaborg

Edit: my comment was based on a mostly false claim from the Clinton campaign that Sanders had a history of strong support for the NRA. He’s voted against some gun restrictions, but in favor of the most important ones (closing loopholes, assault weapons ban, etc.) I should probably do my googling BEFORE I post.

“The Post, citing the Office of the United States Trade Representative, pointed out that that’s a lie, and the U.S. does in fact run a trade deficit with Canada.”

The”likelihood” of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life and/or its proximity to earth is based on guesses, which are themselves based on incomplete and extremely limited data. Apart from not actually KNOWING whether aliens exist, it’s incredibly naive to assume that we would be able to intuit their

She also demonstrated an ‘enthusiasm’ for using torture techniques that other CIA employees found disturbing at the time. If she’s approved I wouldn’t be surprised if a Dolores Umbrage situation arises within the CIA.

I have absolutely no idea. Periodically I’ll emerge from the greys and then shortly afterwards bounce back for no apparent reason. My current theory is that I pissed off one of the writers, even though that seems pretty far fetched.

I am not sure whether this is the worst take in the world, or just the worst attempt at satire of the year. Either way, yikes.

Lol are you serious? The last Democratic administration massively expanded access to healthcare, applied stricter regulations to the banking sector, and oversaw a significant increase in renewable/carbon neutral energy. When Democrats are in power they work -maybe not on stuff you like, maybe not towards an outcome

He’ll love the part where you can get out of paying them.

I’ve worked in two different drag clubs. To paraphrase one of our trans performers, “tits beat foam.”

Guess which Republican donors own a huge stockpile of aluminum and have been artificially inflating its price for years? (Rhymes with bloke smothers)

Correction: it is mostly never pronounced at all. However well-meaning the term, it marks you as a virtue-signaling tool the minute you say it. (It makes some sense as a written word, although the ONLY people I know who use it frequently do not speak Spanish.)

He responded to a story about malpractice at the EPA with another example of malpractice at the EPA. I’d say that’s a lot more relevant than a virtue-signaling personal attack.

I think it would have worked if he wasn’t white, he just needed to be the American outsider who joins the good guys and provides exposition on the American villain. But if he’d been a non-white American, Shuri couldn’t have called him “colonizer”, and that was the biggest laugh line in the theater I saw it in.

Eta this came out meaner than I thought. I should not imply that she is less intelligent than Donald Trump, both because she’s making an incredibly brave stand and because NOBODY is less intelligent than Donald Trump.

She’s a playmate who uses “+” instead of “and” in long-form writing. Intelligence is relative.

That’s correct, but it’s kind of a “stop burning coal” issue, in that a lot of groundwork needs to be laid before it actually happens.

And of course violent video games are only bought in the United States. Grand Theft Auto is made by a British corporation and sold worldwide, but it has magic British gaming powers that only cause rampage shootings in the US. It’s a pure coincidence that we’re also the only country where any dipshit with a pulse and a

The Moscow subway looks like Donald Trump’s penthouse.

Subway > bus times a million. You can hit a faster average speed walking than you will on the bus.

They’re trying to live up to their role models, for sure.