I said "contemporary supercar," and no.
I said "contemporary supercar," and no.
But there's a huge trade off with fuel economy.
What's the point of getting in some supercar dick measuring contest? Speed does not always equal fun. I honestly can't think of a contemporary supercar I would rather own than the i8.
I agree, but I don't think it's a toy. Track cars are toys, this is a daily driver that just happens to look like a German batmobile.
This looks like a prop for a Grand Theft Auto movie.
Right, the campaign was too sanctimonious, but insisting you get a replacement cup because you disagree with the philosophy behind the campaign was not?
On the other hand, electric motors are a lot simpler than combustion engines, so servicing 6 times as many motors might still be considerably less work.
Ok, but what does that have to do with the UVA student?
He's got some serious gayface. I can say that, because he has serious gayface.
The Delorean is not only an ugly, slow car - it is a series of terrible decisions in physical form. It is the "Plan 9 from Outer Space" of automotive design, fascinating not for its content but for the vast scale of its ineptitude. Perhaps it belongs in an automotive museum, the same way that mercury pills belong in a…
He's being way too pessimistic, but I think a driver's license will become a lot harder to get. No more BS driving schools for 16-year-olds, no ten-question tests asking what the sign with the word "stop" on it means, but a challenging proficiency exam following a real skill course, more in line with how some states…
Depends on the power source, but even assuming coal power the emissions per mile are way, way lower. The production of batteries used to be so energy intensive it ate up the difference, but improvements in manufacturing and supply chains have made this much less of an issue. Plus it's worth keeping in mind that an…
If your premise is that the cars are in totally different categories, isn't comparing the price kinda pointless anyway?
*makes ringtone, hacks boyfriend's phone, sets volume to max. Waits.*
No. Is cross-country freight hauled by an Italia?
By your logic, sailboats should no longer exist either. Motorboats can offer better performance than sailboats in every measurable way, except for fuel economy, and are much easier to pilot. And yet a sizable chunk of boaters prefer to sail.
Most Ferraris aren't bought to outrun anyone, they're bought to have fun and look good doing it. Paddle shifters make sense for semi-professional racers, and I can see leaving them off the stripped-down track models, but it's bizarre that an ostensibly fun car targeted at enthusiasts isn't available in the most common…
Why? Why would anyone take the side of this nasty, racist, misogynistic twit? I used to love Top Gear (the Africa special is still one of my favorite episodes of any TV show) but Clarkson lost me forever with his increasingly-angry rants against environmentalism, casual homophobia and ugly classist nonsense.
Couldn't that be said of any sales position? Realtors are incentivized to put you in the most expensive house you can afford, but a good realtor will try to put you in the right house. Waiters make a bigger tip when you buy the most expensive wine, but good waiters recommend the options that go best with your meal.…
Because sometimes that's not an option. My dad always wanted a Jag, and when he finally got one it was in sorry shape and took a bit of work to get running. He worked plenty hard, made good money, but dropping 50k on a new Jag isn't an option for a middle class family with four kids. Plus there was something much more…