
No, the'd have to be back-to-back, not top-to-top.

I paid for the data I used, not AT&T! I pay AT&T every month for my wireless service. Why is it the concern of AT&T how I use the data I've already purchased from them? I paid the developer of MyWi, and as far as I know, the code they used for that app is original - and I know that because I bought the app before iOS

Thanks! Why 9k though?

I did pay for the service - I paid $20 for MyWi. It's possible that I'm breaking my ToS, but that's civil, not criminal, and the only recourse they have is to refuse to serve me in the future. If you buy a GM car, and instead of getting service at Goodwrench at the dealership you have your local mechanic service it

I did pay for the service - I paid $20 for MyWi. It's possible that I'm breaking my ToS, but that's at most civil, not criminal, and the only recourse they have is to refuse to serve me in the future. If you buy a GM car, and instead of getting service at Goodwrench at the dealership you have your local mechanic

@LegalCookie: Jailbreaking is 100% legal, so says the US Patent and Trademark Office.Nothing Illegal about it.

@MaxPoint: I read that as "porno" at first.

@Super_Pickle: Keep in mind that virtually every large Silicon Valley company was founded when the creators were college students.

Thanks Giz. That was hysterical.

Awesome, I was just about to post this same thing. It is weird to think of Angry Birds as a "classic".

@xulldox: Should have been "squeeze harder".

@RohitK89: I LOVE Infinifolders. I don't know why Apple didn't bake that feature into iOS in the first place.

Five Icon Dock and Ininifolders are all I need. I'm a low maintenance kind of guy.

I think WP7 is too immature to make a judgement one way or the other. I don't like the current hardware, but that'll obviously change when Nokia starts making them - from the concepts, they will be great looking. From what I've seen of the UI, I'm not wild about that either. But I've never actually used a WP7, ad it's

All agreed. I was considering buying a Mac, but I won't now. I'll probably leave the Apple system all together because of this. I really shouldn't have to be afraid of my phone/tablet/computer manufacturer.

I very much like HTC, and the Thunderbolt looks killer. I wouldn't mind the big screen either. I also like the Pre 3 - it's great looking, and has a keyboard, but it's too risky since we don't know if it'll attract developers. I'm not at all hot on BB, I was just curious to see if anyone would come to it's defence.

I don't think Google is better morally than Apple, and I have no doubt that Google would do this in a heartbeat, it's just that I don't think Google engenders enough customer loyalty to pull off a stunt like this one. Same goes for HP, Nokia, and RIM. Only Apple can screw their customers like this and have them come

This is the last straw for me. If the subscription model forces Amazon to withdraw from iOS, do you really think they'll release an app for Cydia? How bout Instapaper? Pandora? At some point, Apple will do something to iOS that is both bad and un-fixable by the Jailbreak community. It's time to find a ecosystem that

If the just confirmed subscription model forces Amazon to withdraw from iOS, do you really think they'll release an app for Cydia? How bout Instapaper? Pandora? At some point, Apple will do something to iOS that is both bad and un-fixable by the Jailbreak community. It's time to find a ecosystem that isn't always