

They got my iPhone and iPad as well. This is the last straw for me. My contract is up in March, and barring any unforeseen events, like putting a fuel cell in the iPhone 5 with a 2 week long battery life, I'm done. Anyone wanna evangelize Android/webOS/Blackberry to me?

@crayonmonster: They're not touching flash with a 10 foot pole. You can take 4G to the bank though - probably HSPA+ and LTE.

Not buying it. Hard keyboards on mobile devices are very un-Apple.

Don't we all?

I did include the corrections hash. I hope you're not implying racism in your comment. I was not aware that Jesus was not a native English speaker, but, if he is not, isn't it helpful to him to have mistakes pointed out so that he can learn form them? If I was writing in Spanish and made a mistake, I would hope that

Apparently, that's the theory. A large planet outside the orbit of Neptune has been postulated many times before, because when Neptune was first discovered, astronomers thought that some oddities in its orbit could only be caused by a "Planet X", even further out.

Thanks for the info. I think Fortuna sounds better than Tyche, actually.

I don't think the planet would be called Tyche, because planets have to be named after Greek/Roman gods/goddesses.

Precisely. Actually, Pluto's orbit is off the plane of the elliptic as well, just not as severely as Planet X's might me.

Tide comes in, tide goes out.

Wasn't there a documentary a few years back that postulated that Dinosaurs did it cat-style, (i.e. with the female lying down, sticking her nether regions into the air, and the male standing behind her)? I don't remember the title or channel, but I know what I saw.

I once tried to properly express my love for my iPhone. It didn't end well. The extended hospital stay, rehab, and plastic surgery, not to mention the trip to the genius bar to repair the device and clean out the burned flesh and other assorted fluids made the venture less than enjoyable.

It's not that bad if you use Classic view. Not ideal, but better than the actual redesign.

@salaczar: Yeah, mine worked on the first try on my 64 bit Windows machine.

@tylerbrainerd: Fair enough. I can get on board with that. Apple will never do that though.

@JasonGW: I like how you listed a touch screen as required. I wonder what a tablet would look like without one.