
Just so you Midwesterners and Easterners don't envy us in San Diego, know that the weather is TERRIBLE here right now. Truly freezing. I swear, the temp dipped under 60 today! Ice cold.

I remember that phone! HTC 8125. It served me well back in 2005.

@Dauthi: Thanks, that's a great one. I had forgotten it.

Does anyone else think that maybe mail-room employees just get bored with the tedium of their jobs and decide to liven things up by sending ridiculous packages?

@cadenlaguna: You wanna sell it to me for $100 then? You know, since you never use it and all...

If they don't cut out this anti-Kindle nonsense, I don't think I'll be buying an iPad 2 either.

@uu_ugene: The real cost is in the data plans though. A smartphone plan costs around $2,000 over the life of the contract. In that light, and since you're gonna be stuck with the device for so long, doesn't it make more sense to sent a few extra bucks and get the best device?

Yeah, but now really isn't the time to buy. All the phones on the above list are about to become obsolete, or already are. The iPhone 5 is coming out in June/July to replace the 4. The Droid Bionic and HTC Thunderbolt are both coming out in February/ March to replace the Droid X. Only a doofus would buy a 3GS now. So

@Pripyat: I always thought so!

This is probably much healthier than beer, and with a relatively similar effect. Let's hope it catches on.

@Pripyat: Yeah, at my school (Choate Rosemary Hall), 6th form was the last year of High School - the last year before college. My parents were mostly liberal, but they made some odd decisions. Like they banned the original Star Wars trilogy. I first saw them a couple years ago.

@SkipErnst: My dad refuses to understand the concept of tabbed browsing. I have to come over periodically and close about 15 browser windows, all of which have 1 tab. Sigh.

@CoDRoX: I first heard of Twitter when that reported got arrested in Egypt a few years back and used Twitter to get press attention in the U.S. I also remember all the news anchors mispronouncing it. So yeah, maybe that.

@Pripyat: That totally sucks. Seems like it worked out O.K. in the end though. I was born in '92 also, and I can't imagine how different my life would have been without internet access.

This is just a re-badged iWallet, which was covered here around Christmas 2009. Also, The iWallet is "only" $299.

I had a Sidekick 2 back in the day. It had a stellar keyboard that I still miss.

@AlphaIOmega: They're poisonous. Potentially deadly for an adult human. Good luck though.

Really cool. A tablet running Homeycomb snappily and the Moto Atrix are the first devices that might break Apple's hold on me. But lets see what comes out in iOS 5 before jumping to conclusions.