
Am I the only one who realized the similarity of the boat's name to that of Seinfeld character George Costanza?


The Mythbusters episode about escaping a sunken car should be required viewing for your license.

Can I be cremated with my iPhone? Or would the ground up glass bad for the funeral goers and loved ones?

This reads like a scene from a Goodfellas remake.

@cormack: Isn't that what dumbphones are for? If MS wants us to pay smartphone prices and data contracts, why should the phone have immersing features removed?

@Wilson: I agree. This is why people like to eat while watching TV.

@KamWrex: At first I thought she was one of those RealDoll sex toys. Cause of the fake looking, super creepy smile, uncanny valley smile.

I feel like this is an excruciatingly bad press week for carriers. First Verizon announces a new Android app store, further fragmenting Android, screwing their users, and pissing everyone off ([techcrunch.com] then AT&T brags about getting a D- on a service test in San Francisco instead of an F and that they're not

The bed part actually looks comfortable. But when I use my iPad in bed (to read, honest), it's usually held above my head while I'm laying down (tip:don't drop your iPad on your face - the aluminium/glass hurts, and you will get a fat lip), or balancing it between my headboard and mattress while laying on my stomach.

@webdevmike: And pray tell, how would one use a 17" tablet? Why is that size better than 7" or 9.7"?

@doggpound: I had a Gateway convertible tablet a few years ago. I think I actually swiveled the screen on two occasions, just to impress friends. It's usefulness was questionable because of the weight and the need for a stylus.

@webdevmike: You mean 7", right? Because I don't think you could hold up a 17" tablet. Not for very long, at least. I mean, it could be useful if you're Moses, and regularly need to hold up slates for a large audience to see.

I never realized that handheld gaming hardware was so much less powerful than smartphones. I don't think a smartphone with specs this poor has been released for at least 3 or 4 years. If the PSP has similar (or worse) specs, maybe Sony should pull the PSP ads that claim that the iPhone isn't suitable for gaming -

I like the Peek better than a BlackBerry. If I had to choose between a Peek or a BlackBerry for me and my employees, I would choose the Peek.

@aec007: I think it's awesome looking. But I didn't know about the headroom problems. I guess I should reserve judgement until I can sit in one myself in a showroom.

I'm very disappointed that Aptera didn't take home a slice of the prize.

@shadomouse: No, I have a Kindle 2, and it works fine. I find the interface to be clunky and extremely frustrating, especially for browsing the web. The Kindle wasn't really designed for anything other than reading Kindle books, so all functions feel clunky and tacked-on to me.

@PTB315: I remember being a kid and not understanding why I had to keep my (Cingular) phone away from my computer at all times because of the horrible buzzing. I learned to use it to my advantage by placing unpleasant calls on landlines and then moving my cell close to the receiver to create static. It hasn't been an