
@taniquetil: I think they would be better served by trying to accomplish two separate and interconnected goals. 1 - Make the Kindle device so cheap that it becomes a companion to the iPad/Galaxy Tab/PalmPad rather than a competitor to them. 2 - Make the Kindle e-book platform dominant in the industry, like iTunes is

I feel for all those poor, poor people who dropped big bucks on a colorware-ized Torch. #sarcasm

@taniquetil: If Kindle books are cheaper than iBooks and provide a better experience - as they currently do - Amazon can expect the majority of iPad owners to use the Kindle app. Personally, if there was no Kindle app, the iPad would be much harder to justify purchasing, and I might simply not have bought one. Keep in

@technomom1: I've been known to go down to the beach early in the morning with 6 or 7 books and plow through them, or even just switch between them. Sometimes, I'll just read a few chapters of a book and move on. For that type of reading, it's incredibly convenient to have an e-reader. Additionally, over the life of

@taniquetil: Exactly. You're exactly right. And since their primary business is getting e-books into your hands, no matter your platform, I don't see the sense in releasing an ad that knocks the iPad, whose owners (Amazon hopes) will buy Kindle books and use the Kindle app.

@FigNinja: But they didn't do an ad advocating both. They did an ad dissing the iPad. I would have preferred if they had positioned the Kindle as an alternate way to read books. Maybe if the ad showed the guy hauling 10 hardcover books to the pool and the girl carrying 100x more books in that little device, they would

@Sabithomega: Don't get me wrong, there is a huge amount of charm with models. Star Wars is a shining example of that. But with CG being so much cheaper, and getting better at the rate of Moore's law, models are a tough sell.

@Sabithomega: The only experience I have with models is TNG, which was cringe inducing. And you can't deny that this scene was pure awesomeness.

@unixpunkx: It's an easier risk to stomach if the device is a $139 Kindle then if it's a $500+ iPad.

@mynameisjay: That made me lol. I think you're right too.

I think Amazon has to decide which is more valuable: selling e-readers at painfully low margins, or selling an e-reading platform that can work on any device you have. I don't think they can attack the iPad and still expect to suck up a huge percent of it's potential and current readers for the Kindle App.

@WTF! Realityism!: I personally have both a Kindle and an iPad. I do the majority of my reading on my iPad, because I like to stop every ten or 15 minutes and look up something from the book on Wikipedia, or things of that nature. I use the Kindle for reading outside and on planes. It works fine for me.

@Sabithomega: What about the new Battlestar? They used computers only and had an incredible result.

@photoplex: It's always been that way. Thats why Mercedes Benz brags about all the extra safety features crammed into their cars during every commercial. If you have a more expensive car, you have a better chance of surviving a crash. Ergo, the richer you are, the more valuable your life is. It sucks.

@Cody Reynolds: Pretty soon the current coach will be called "First" and new coach will be these abominations.

@tyler.derden: It's the "New Coke" strategy. Introduce something awful, then pull it back quickly and replace it with the old version. People are so grateful for the old thing, the line up to buy it.