
That scene was the worst of it, but that entire movie was slathered so damn heavily in condescension I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes.

That was the joke.

…a completely ridiculous Avengers musical number that Marvel Studios definitely thinks is funnier than it actually is. (It’s not not funny, to be fair.)


Lighten up, Ferdy.

All the more reason to scrap this endeavor and give us a continuation of the real Mighty Ducks:

Pretty sure Rust won’t be hitting theaters anytime soon.

Sometimes something pops up when you really need it, even though you didn’t know you did.

Can I now say that I kinda hated the animation? It looks cool in action, but the faces are so nondescript and...floaty? I felt like the mouths never fully synced with the dialogue, and almost none of the characters looked anything like the actors they were ostensibly trying to resemble. The faces all looked more like

You know me so well. But I do realize a TV show is not my whole existence, thanks

See I was pissed they off’d C-Boom so casually. He was one of the only highlights of the first movie. Kinda of set a dour mood for me for the rest of the film.

To be fair to Captain Boomerang: Of any member of the Suicide Squad save Harley, he probably has the highest chance of being resurrected.

AVC is notoriously down on anything fun.

They need to release ‘Hawkeye: Budapest’ as a companion movie. The two films will play out very differently.

The Dark Knight Returns seems an odd omission - it was a pretty great adaptation, but I guess maybe too faithful for this list?

I’m not sure I can take a “Best DC Animated Movies” list that doesn’t include Under the Red Hood.

When watching last night I wondered if he would win, what with all of this stuff out there, alas he did.

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Now playing

Also, I’m sorry, you’re wrong, A Bit of Fry and Laurie is genius and I will brook no dissent:

Remember the good old days when trailers started at the start, rather than five seconds after the start, meaning you have to be told when the start is, which isn’t at the start.