
I once passed a cop and another driver that was scared to go around the cop. Speed limit was 35mph, they were doing 27ish. Soon as I passed the cop he lights me up and pulls me over. He then ask why I’m in a hurry” and I inform him that him and Mr. Timid Pants were doing 27 in a 35. He said “maybe you should have

So I probably shouldn’t admit to this, however in these scenarios Ill get next to the left lane ass clown if possible, and ever so often just wonder into there lane until they have slowed enough for me to pass. At which point they usually get over or have caused enough of a gap that the rest of the left lane traffic

My brother had the exact same thing happen to him. He drives from Columbia/Elkridge into DC every morning super early and comes home at like 3pm. On his way home, the same thing happened only this time the cop going slow in the fast lane just randomly dove over to get out of the way of a marked cop car going like 85

I notice this, “get to the left lane ASAP when I get on the freeway to putt around” mentality where I’m from as well. WTF is it and where does it come from?!?!?! Ill watch all kinds of people “merge” onto the freeway, put on the left blinker, don’t look and just drift right over to the far left lane. Damn near killing

Pffft. Be like me a just don’t give a fuck. The highway I take to work has a 55mph speed limit. Traffic usually does 75.

‘You can’t just say that proxy wars aren’t wars.’

It’s the Saudis who I’d call increasingly belligerent, not the Iranians.

Iran is actually moving towards the middle, and is less belligerent.

A good compromise is one where both sides feel they lost a little.

Oh yeah, that deal made for some very strange bedfellows. The Hardliners in Iran were doing just about everything in their power to scuttle the talks led by the civilian government, and their moderate President. Iranians understand US politics better than most Americans do. They knew what the process was for approving

They considered it a bad deal because their nuclear program had been sent back to square one.

this is one of the many faves of his show - I miss him man :(

I can only hope that this results in a Trump response and a vigorous back and forth between the two. Inevitably Trump will call him a loser and a failure which will only give Olbermann another chance to unload on him. Please let this happen!!!

It really is!

That’s another thing that scares me about Cruz: no one likes him, he knows no one likes him, and the fact that no one likes him seems to me to be a driving force behind his ambition. The last thing the country needs is a guy in power who’s primary objective is to bolster his sad, bruised ego by “showing them.”

I have no idea, *I’m* not even on Snapchat. My phone’s complicated enough as it is.

He’ll always be the VP.....of our hearts.

And can Michelle Obama just stay FLOTUS? She is the perfect First Lady.

Princeton. Although I’ve met plenty of guys like him from both schools.

Maybe he reached out to Jon Stewart?