almost forgot. shoutz to ADM & Rhino9, keeping “the net” phun.... Now how old do you feel? lulz. (check my tripod & geocites for Telenet/Tymnet dialups & phone box schematics. No anarchy/virii/WaReZ, cuz dats 4 k-lamerz.)
almost forgot. shoutz to ADM & Rhino9, keeping “the net” phun.... Now how old do you feel? lulz. (check my tripod & geocites for Telenet/Tymnet dialups & phone box schematics. No anarchy/virii/WaReZ, cuz dats 4 k-lamerz.)
Your name is not Mark Abene, it’s Andy Orin. Do you feel justified calling yourself Phiber0ptik? (MOD rulez! LOD sux!) I’ve utilized BackTrack (BT), Ethereal (sniff dat wire), Knoppix. 1st linux distro was Slackware 96 (v3.x) cuz RedHat 5 was for posers that wanted to be r00ted (in the backdoor!). It’s all about phf,…