
“My dog ate my integrity”

I think this pretty much applies to all of us at this point.

2016 in the darkest timeline

We got a thorough accounting of which emails were on what server, and which ones were deleted, and which ones were on Anthony Wiener’s laptop, so I think we covered the salient stuff.

You guys, I’m a little worried that Trump’s business dealings in foreign countries full of brown people aren’t going to fix the economic anxieties of his supporters.

well at the very least, he didn’t use the wrong email instead of the right email, so.

I want to be able to look at this as a step in the right direction, but it’s not, so I can’t.

That you baby Jebus for blaiming us, women, getting pregnant by ourselves .

I can’t imagine Melania has any intention of fulfilling the duties— or even an idea what they are — of being First Lady.

I’m gonna give him a tub of kisses and a desk of cuddles.

Dress is Versailles ugly

Are you attempting to draw a causal correlation between a handful of people tweeting death threats and the minimum necessary security required for any president?

The “presidential retreat” is always subject to extraordinary security concerns. This is primarily why presidents that don’t behave as egomaniacs locate them

Remember, Hillary wasn’t liberal enough. Either we want the perfect candidate or just blow it all to hell, apparently.

We need to stop using the term “family values.” There’s got to be something more accurate, like “retrograde hatred values.”

It really makes you appreciate the situation we’re in when you’re actually hoping for Mitt Romney.

Love it when wealthy insulated people who can run away talk about “the revolution.” Seriously, fuck this woman. I don’t think she had an actual impact on the election, she’s not relevant enough to swing more than maybe a dozen voters, but I am disgusted by her glib attitude.

What part of a fetus being unborn makes it “not alive” to you? Is it because it’s living inside a person? You have trillions of bacteria in your body, and they are alive. Is it because it is dependent on another living being in order to be alive? A parasitic worm that relies on a host is still alive. Is it because the

It makes sense to claim that the unborn are not persons, or that they are not independent entities, or that they have no claim on the body or resources of pregnant women.

I’m a Fed scientist at the USDA. We’ve had steady growth since a reorganization of 2008 (while others had layoffs) and finally started hiring again in the past year and a half. I don’t know what this does but the heads say the outlook is not good.